10. To live freely

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Chapter 10

To live freely

Adam stumbles half-awake into the kitchen with a surprised expression. He only wears a pair of sweatpants and I have to tear my gaze away from his bare chest. It was bad enough that I barely wanted to leave the bed earlier. He looks so... edible. Yes, that's the word! I almost can't believe that the Wolf Spirits managed to pair me up with a man like him. His aura tells me that he is kind hearted and warm; that's enough for me.

I am frying eggs on the stove, glad that I'm not entirely useless at cooking. I made some toast earlier and I throw the eggs on them when they are ready. I can't help but admire the beautiful handmade plates. I see a woman's face inside my mind, but I can't remember what her name is. She was there at the party yesterday.

I rarely had flashes at Rosalea because I knew every citizen inside out. I have to get used to them now that I will learn to know more people. Wolf Spirits can see the bonds between things and it has been very helpful for me so far.

I have to be careful so anyone won't guess my secret. They will never understand the sacrificing exchange Jupiter and I did. I wouldn't have it undone, but it is hard to live like everyone else when I hear the Wolf Spirit calls all around me. I gave my Wolf to Jupiter and he gave me his Wolf Spirit soul. Jupiter will die when my body dies and I will take his place in the spirit world.

"Good morning, mate," I greet Adam and put the plates on his small kitchen table. "I hope you are hungry."

"Starving," he answers quickly. "My Mom is the only one who ever cooked me breakfast before."

I raise my eyebrow at him and take a seat by the table. The smell turns my insides into jelly and I already feel like throwing up. Come on, Kate. Not now! Wolf Spirits, give me strength to eat. I sign for Adam to sit down and he follows my demand. I hope my cooking is nearly as good as his mother's.

"Did I cook too little for you?" I ask worriedly in an attempt to get rid of my own breakfast. "You can have mine too. I'm really fine with just fruit in the morning."

"Are you sure?" he says hopefully with a hungry glare at the food. I shove the plate over to him and he grins widely so my heart skips a beat. "Thanks sweetheart."

Adam eats quickly and finishes his breakfast before I manage to eat one fruit. I am trying my best to eat it slow like I don't have any hurry in the world instead of shoving how hard it is to get it down. I can't shift so I don't need nearly as much food as every other wolf does.

It's weird to be home again. I remember the village from a child's point of view, but it is so much different for me now. I can sense my family from where they are and Mother is stalking determined towards this cabin. It doesn't surprise me much. Her whole aura is reeking with the need to protect her cubs.

"Mother is on her way," I inform Adam who pales at the mention. "You might want to put a shirt on."

He flies up from his seat and into his room where he searches through his drawers for decent pieces of clothes. He swears to himself and I keep nibbling at my orange without the slightest bit of hurry. I don't know what he's so freaked about. It's just my mother. She's looking after me and Adam should take it as a man.

I woke up thrilled to see the cookie and milk waiting for me this morning. It warms my heart that she still cares so much for me even though I am home.

Starley stalks into the house without knocking and gives a half dressed Adam a stern glare. He quickly throws his white t-shirt over his head and smiles weakly back at her.

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