Chapter 18: Too Easily Forgiven

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Warning- extreme OOC Ciel in this chapter!!!
Thank you for the reads, votes and follows~!


Arthur gently cradled me in his arms. This feeling, I have known it since I was 3. It was comforting. I snuggled closer to him. We were currently sitting in the carriage, on our way back to Ciel's manor.

As soon as I sat down, I felt my eyes close, heavy and tired. Arthur had said he had wanted to sit next to me, in compensation of what had happened earlier, even though I said that I forgave him. I can't say I didn't like it though. Arthur was like a guardian, he stood beside me when my family were alive, and he still stands beside me now. Perhaps not a guardian angel, but still, a guardian. He meant a lot to me.

I love him very much, from the bottom of my heart...


Doubt began to consume me.

What if.. What if Arthur didn't really love and care for me? What if he was only this way because he was a demon? What if... He was just faking it all?

No, no of course not! Ha- don't be stupid Y/N, of course he loves you.

From the bottom of his demon heart.

That's what he had told me. And I'll believe him. I'll believe those words 'til the day I die.

The day I die...

I opened my eyes to look up at Arthur. He was looking down at me, his once green, turned purple, eyes gazing at me. Arthur was still a demon afterall. He smiled at me, a reassuring smile, which made me feel warm. I've always liked that, it always made me feel better on the rainiest of days.

I smiled back, before returning to my slumber.

My dear Arthur...


Ciel's POV

I couldn't stand it. Not one bit.
Y/N lay there, her torso pressed against Arthur.

It was like I wasn't even on the carriage.

Damn it.

Then, Arthur began to gently stroke her hair. It was a little messy after the previous events, but still maintained most of its smooth and shiny texture.

How I would love to run my hand through her soft, silky hair...


I frowned. This was probably the most jealous I've been in my entire life.

Stop it Ciel.

Stop it.

That old Ciel, he was completely out of the window in my head. Yet he still remained as my outer shell.

I glanced back over to Y/N. She snuggled closer to Arthur.
Oh yes, how much I'd like to be in Arthur's place...

"Lord Phantomhive," Arthur quietly whispered to me,"milord."

My head snapped up from Y/N, "yes?"

"Do you love my mistress?"

S-so upfront!

"Love? Of course not..."


"Excuse me?"

"You're telling me lies."

"I have a fiancé whom I love very much, thank you."

"Not in the way you love my mistress you don't."

Checkered Royals [Ciel Phantomhive x Reader] *NOT FULLY EDITED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ