Chapter 28 Part 1

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Zakkur had lost control. I guess his temper reached its boiling point. His constraint broke, like my ribs. Some type of twisty tree covered in green moss was currently squeezing the life out of me. It was doing the same to Bridget, Brianna, Cleo, and Rico.

Scarlett was currently dodging the trees's branches to keep its attention away from Daphne. Since Daphne hasn't shifted yet if it gets ahold of her she won't be able to heal or withstand the consequences.

Why is there a random giant twisty tree monster trying to maim us you ask? Well that would be one hundred percent Zakkur's doing.

My brother's eyes are not bright electric green because of genetics. He is an earth elemental; which explains our current position.

Daphne set him off and he went into beast mode. He sprouted a tree monster that is now trying to kill us.

Even though the situation is not amusing I can't help but want to laugh. Five of us are being squeezed to death and the other two are running for their lives all while Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees is playing on the sound system. Can you say irony?

"Someone mindlink Mina," I rasped. She truthfully may be the only one who knows how to effectively deal with my brother. He hadn't fully come into his powers when I last saw him, so this was new territory for me. I remember a few new plants growing around the yard, but nothing like this.

"Valyn? Are you okay?" Rico wheezed. Even in a situation like this he was worried about me. That fact would have made my heart clench if the branch around me wouldn't have constricted again.

"As okay as I can be. And y-" I screamed in pain as another of my ribs cracked. My shallow breaths nearly ceased as the pain racked through my body. Black dots began appearing in my vision, but I quickly blinked them away.

My senses really must have been out of whack because I couldn't hear anything. Looking to my right I saw Rico shouting something at me, but it fell on deaf ears.

The black dots returned and I could no longer blink them away. My eyes shut and soon all I could feel was the constant ache that thrummed through my body. Then a bright white light was shined in my right eye before moving to my left.

I was no longer in the air being constricted by a branch. Instead I now lay flat on my back. I tried to tell whoever was shining the light in my eyes to remove it, but only a strangled puff of air sounded. I was looking up at whoever was shining the light in my eyes, but could not see them. It was all extremely blurry. My chest felt heavy and numb. I actually couldn't feel anything except a pulsing numbness. A shrill scream made its way to my ear. It wasn't until my jaw slackened that I realized it was my scream.

My body was in so much pain I could barely feel it. It was a wonder I was able to scream.

Another scream left my mouth as my bones began to break further and rearrange themselves. It felt like I was going to shift. The problem being I was not strong enough to do so.

'Calm down. I am trying to force our body to heal,' Nina barked. Just because I now understood what was happening didn't make it any less painful or uncomfortable.

Suddenly my body lurched forward. I flipped over and began spewing blood and bile. At that moment all I wanted to do was beat the shit out of Zakkur. I guarantee the pair of us are going to have a not so friendly chat about this later.

"I think she punctured something. We have to get them both to the hospital now!" Natasha yelled.

Both? I don't know what she means by both. I am not pregnant. Rico and I never...

Then it hit me.

Rico. She must be referring to Rico. I looked up trying to find my mate. The blurry film over my eyes made it extremely difficult. I saw only his right arm hanging off a stretcher carried by Lane and Lorcan. The sight made a million and one thoughts surge through my head.

My mind was racing so fast I didn't even notice that I too was being placed on a stretcher and carried out of the PTC. My breathing had become more rapid and the black dots were closing in on me.

No matter how hard I tried to fight them they would not go away. Finally they enveloped me completely.

When I opened my eyes all I could see was white. It was a different kind of white; off somehow. I looked around expecting to see a hospital room, but was surprised to see no such thing. Glancing down I expected to see a hospital bed and instead found a patch of lush green grass.

Confusion washed over me. Where on earth am I? I tried to piece things together.

So I am surrounded by a weird white light, sitting on a random patch of green grass? I remember being in pain so agonizing it was almost as if I was numb, yet now the only thing I feel is confusion. Then to my right I heard a sound: footsteps.

Looking in that direction I found something that made my heart skip a beat: the Moon Goddess, Star.

One thought came to my head: Am I dead?

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You wanted half a chapter. I gave you half a chapter. I hope you're not regretting your decision now.

I have already begun working on the second half of this chapter. Hopefully it won't be too long of a wait.

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