Chapter I

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Barry wakes up to his phone vibrating in his pocket.
Blinking he tries to get the world back in to focus. He feels a weight on his chest. Ah yes, Wenn. He smiles as he recalls the events of last night.
He tries to get his phone out without waking the sleeping person on top of him.
"Whazzat?" A sleepy voice asks.
So much for that idea.

"I need to get my phone." He whispers.
Wenn doesn't move a muscle, except for her hand. He feels his phone pull from his pocket and gravitate towards her hand.
"Phone." She hands it to him and snuggles back against his chest.
He chuckles and answers the phone.

"Hey Bar," Joe says on the other side of the line.
"Hey Joe, what's up?"
"I know you had an intense night last night, but duty calls. I need you up here and do your thing." Joe informs him
"Alright, I'll be right there." Barry answers
"Oh and Barry?"
"Yeah, Joe?"
"You better get a story ready for Spivot. She and the task force have been deployed to your apartment and she wants some answers. I told her you were staying at my place." Joe informs him.

Barry sighs, "I'm at Wenns."

"Yeah, I figured that. Just make sure it's a good story. Patty isn't stupid, she'll poke holes through bullshit." Joe warns him.

"Got it. I'll see ya soon." Barry ends the call.

He sighs again. Honestly, he had forgotten all about the state of his apartment.
He wonders how he's going to bullshit his way out of that one...

Patty was quite persistent and unlike most cops, she had a great understanding of science, so making up stuff was out of the question.

"Is evrythin 'kay?" Wenn mumbles in to his chest.
"Duty calls, Joe needs me at a crime scene."
"'kay" Wenn tries to get up. "Oowww..." She groans. "I don't think I can move."
Barry chuckles, "Well, you were thrown across a room against a wall, breaking a few ribs in the process."
Wenn grimaces, "Fun times."
Barry carefully helps her up.
God she was adorable still half asleep and with bed hair.
Wenn catches him staring it her, "What?"
Barry smiles, "You're adorable when you're sleepdrunk." He gives her a quick kiss,
then Flashes himself ready.

 "Wow, hold on there Mr. Superspeed!  I'm gonna need a little more time to get ready! I am an injured woman you know." Wenn hoists herself off the couch.

 "Oh no, you're not going anywhere!" Barry rushes over.
"Barry," Wenn puts her hand against his chest, "I need to do something, or else I'll go crazy. And I need to move to ground myself, remember?"

 Barry sighs in frustration. She is as stubborn as she is adorable.

"Okay, fine. We'll compromise, I'll go to the crime scene. You take your time getting ready and I'll meet you at the lab later. Alright?"
Wenn pats his chest, "Deal"
"Alright" Barry smiles. "I'm gonna meet Joe then. I'll see you later."
He kisses her automatically before Flashing out of the door to the crime scene.

 Wenn traces her lips with her fingers and smiles.

"See you later Barry."  

The Flash: Repentanceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें