Chapter XXVI

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"Wait, what?!" Cisco grabs Barry's shoulder, "Who?!"

Barry ponders... No, they can't know. "I... I can't tell you guys. But I need you to trust me."

He needs them on their A-game and if they know who Zoom is, they won't be. They'll be distracted, hesitate even when carrying out their plan.
He looks at his friends.

"I need you to trust me on this one guys. It's better you don't know."

Caitlin objects, "Barry we need to know, how else can we form a plan to defeat him?! We need to find out as much as..."

"Cait!" Barry interrupts, "Caitlin, I know everything there is to know. I already have a plan.Trust me."

Wenn gets a very uneasy feeling... "Barry..."

"Please Wenn... It's the only way can make this plan work."

She still doesn't like it, but feels there is a good reason for him to keep this from them.
"Okay, I trust you. What do you need from us?" Wenn asks.

"Alright, let's get started.
Caitlin, I need you to make a tranq dart with nanites, like we did for Thawne last year."

Caitlin nods and goes to work.

Barry turns to Cisco, "Cisco, I need you to work on producing a soundwave. A high resonance soundwave."

Cisco looks unsure. He's just getting the hang of the visions, but producing a soundwave? Thats a whole different level of Vibing.
Wenn walks over to him, "I'll help you, we talked about this, remember."

Cisco gives her a small smile, "Yeah... yeah, alright, lets do this!"

"Wait!" Cisco turns back as Barry speeddraws out something, "I need you to build this as well." He hands Cisco a blue print.
Cisco looks at it, then back at Barry with a raised eyebrow. "This looks like the ghost trap from Ghostbusters."

Barry rubs the back of his neck and smiles sheepishly, "It kinda is the same, it's to trap the symbiot once we detach it from it's host."

Cisco goes over the plans. He's surprised by the actual genuis of the device.
"This is brilliant Barry!" Then looks at him with mock annoyance, "Wait... I'm the toymaker, remember?! What's next, you guys start naming the Meta's as well?"
Cisco shouldn't be surprised, bu over the years they have become so dependant on Cisco's engineerings skills and gadgets that they forget how smart Barry himself is and how inventive he can be. 

"I'll get right to it, then..." He takes a deep breath, "Then I'll get working on the soundwave."

Barry gives him 2 thumbs up. He turns around to Jay and Wenn, who look at him expectantly for their task in 'the big plan'.

"Jay, when things are going down, I'm gonna need you here with Caitlin to keep an oversight of the situation. With you speed abilities you can keep track of things and assess situations quickly and help Caitlin guide us through things or alert us when necessary." He instructs Jay.

"No problem, and when needed I'll be there in a Flash" Jay winks at them, then joins Caitlin.

Barry walks over to Wenn and takes her hands in his, "I need you to... Can you create a forcefield?" 

Eiling did many things to her, one of the important things to him was indeed create invisible forcefields to keep out or hold enemies. So she has had a lot of practice with them.

"Yes." She answers him.

Barry's eyes light up, "Great!" He starts to turn, but Wenn stops him.

"Barr, what is your plan, exactly?" She asks him.

Barry grabs the whiteboard, "We will lure Zoom with a false address of one of his future victims. Cisco will hit him with the tranq dart to neutralize his speed. Then hit him with a sound wave. If I am right, this will temporarily shock and confuse the Symbiot. Hopefully this will allow m... the host some time to detach himself. When that happens I need you to put a force field around the symbiot and guide it to the trap. I will open it and it will suck in the symbiot, sealing it inside, just like the movie." Barry concludes.

Wenn looks at the plan drawn out on the board then back to Barry.

"Barry... it sounds very good, but how is Cisco going to be able to hit a speedster with a traqualizer dart?"

"Because Zoom will be distracted." Barry answers

Wenn knits her eyebrows in confusion. She looks over the plan again, Barry never said anything about a distraction.
Barry catches her confusion and reassures her, "Trust me, he'll be distracted enough for Cisco to hit him with the dart."

And there it is again, that uneasy feeling. She know he trusts them all, but she can't figure out why he's leaving out the most vital piece of information, Zooms identity.
She's been pondering about that since the moment he said he knew who Zoom was. She pulls him in to a hug. "I'm gonna help Cisco".

Barry watches as she leaves the cortex and blows out a breath. He hopes he's right, otherwise this could go wrong, really, really, really wrong...

The next few days consist of assembling what is needed for the plan to bring down Zoom and training. Lots of training.
Barry gathers as much information on soundwaves and different frequencies in sound production to help Cisco. Wenn goes over the data from Eiling in regards to her experiments because some of the data could also be helpful. This was hard at first, but once she started regarding it as scientific information rather than something that was done to her, it was surprisingly easy. Not only did it help her perfect the forcefield more, she found that Cisco's sound waves can also mess with Barry's speedforce. They summarize that they can also use that to temporarily incapacitate Zoom in case they miss with the dart or the dart doesn't work.

Caitlin scoffs, "You don't have faith in my work?"

"No! Yes! We do! But Zoom is so much stronger than Reverse Flash, we don't know if the nanites will work on him." Barry rushes to answer. 

Caitlin realizes they are right. They need a back up plan. They don't have the means to test it like they did with fake Dr. Wells. 

"Okay... are we ready?" Barry asks the team.

They all nod firmly. They look determined, just like Barry needs them to be. 

"Alright, lets go!" 

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