Chapter XV

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"Your place or mine?" Barry asks 

Wenn snorts, "So, you assume that I want to spend every night with you now?"

Barry turns a bright shade or red, "I... uhm..."

Wenn takes the lapels of his jacket and pulls him towards her. "I'm kidding. There is nothing else I want more than to spend my down time with you."

She kisses him lightly, "My place seems to be most equipped to house two people, so lets go there." She answers his first question.

Barry grins, "God, woman!"

He picks her up and Flashes to her apartment. Wenn goes in to the kitchen to whip them up some diner. Almost immediately she emerges from the kitchen again. "I forgot, you wolfed down the last food I had in the house..."

"Sorry...."Barry looks at her apologetically, "Why don't I get some groceries and make us something. Would make me feel less bad for eating all your food."

"Sounds like a plan, I still have some laundry to do, so I'll go downstairs to put a load in." 

Wenn goes in to the bathroom to collect her laundry, "He if there is anything you'd..." but before she finishes the sentence, Barry appears in front of her, arms filled with his own laundry and a cheeky grin on his face.

Wenn raises an eyebrow. "For real?"

Barry puts on his best puppy dog face (as if he needs to put effort in to that) and says "I lav you?"

Wenn hums mockingly, "Sure you do", takes his laundry and puts it in a hamper.
Barry smiles and quickly kisses her. As fast as he appeared in front of her, he's gone again.
She shakes her head and smiles, yeah... she 'lavs' him too...
She picks up the hamper and makes her way to the basement door. She opens the door and stares in to the looming gaping hole that seemingly leads to the abyss.

"God I hate that room..." she whispers.

She turns on the light and makes her way down the stairs and in to the small laundry room. It is an old, filthy, too small room with 2 washing machines stuffed inside. But it'll have to do. Her apartment doesn't have the necessary utilities to be able to connect a washing machine.
The door to the laundry room falls shut behind her and she jumps.
"I REALLY hate this room."
Wenn continues to one of the washing machines and puts in her first load. She snickers, Barry sure owns a lot of plaid shirts. Not that she is complaining, they suit him very well. But a t-shirt with a hoodie and jeans has got to be her favourite thing on him.

She turns on the machine and heads to the door.

She turns the handle, but nothing happens.

She turns the handle again, and again the door doesn't open.

Panic starts to settle in and she starts pulling the handle. It comes off...

"No... No, no, no, no!"

She searches her pockets for her phone, but she left it in her apartment. Full blown panic now settles in and she starts pounding the door frantically, 

"Help me!!! Let me out, please!!!!"

The walls seem to be closing in on her and she starts to lose grip on reality.  

Not only is she loosing grip on reality, but also her powers. Every metal object in the room starts to rise. This only adds to her now warped perception of the world and keeps pounding the door, screaming in complete hysterics now.

Barry flashes back to the apartment, only to find it Wendy-less.
He searches the apartment but doesn't find her. Sure, he was fast, but she should have been back already.
Suddenly he notices the toaster floating through the air as well as feels the familiar tingling he feels when Wenn uses her powers.


As he flashes towards the basement, he can hear her screaming. The pure panic, terror he hears in them sends chills down his spine.  

He opens the door to find Wenn sagged on the floor in complete hysterics.

"Please let me out, please no more, I'll cooperate, just please let me out!" 

Barry carefully sits down in front of her and grabs her arms.


She starts trashing around, hitting him, trying to push him away. 

"No!! Just let me go! I...I... Please??!!" Tears are streaming down her face and that look in her eyes... It's worse than after she woke up from her nightmare. Barry is sure that what she is going through now, originates from the same source of trauma.
He starts to talk to her softly, 
"Wendy... it's me, Barry. I am not going to hurt you." He rubs his hands up and down her arms. The poor thing is shaking like a leaf.
He bends his head down to try and catch her eye, while continuing to reassure and calm her.

Wenn eventually looks at him and refocuses. Barry slowly pulls her to him and picks her up.

"It's okay, I got you." He whispers against her ear.

He takes her back upstairs and thanks the lord that there is only one apartment on the ground floor. He doesn't need an audience right now.
Barry carefully places her on the couch and puts the blanket she always keeps on the couch around her. Wenn is still shivering violently and silent tears stream down her face.
Barry places one hand on her face and turns it towards him. Those eyes... they look so haunted, it breaks his heart. He strokes her cheek with his thumb, brushing away the tears.

"Please, please talk to me. " he pleads with her.

She knows she has to tell him. But right now she just needs him to hold her. Her thoughts are still too jumbled. She isn't even sure she can speak right now.
She looks at him and nods. She crawls over to him and on to his lap.

She puts her head against his chest and whispers, "just hold me..."

He kisses the top of her head and pulls her even closer, 

"I got you..."

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