Chapter X

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Barry and Wenn head back to the CCPD.
They are discussing the case as they enter the lab.

"What if it was dry lightning?" Wenn suggests

"Dry lightning?" Barry questions.

"Yeah, you know, lightning strikes without there being a storm or rain. Weather has been weird the whole week." Wenn answers.

"I know what dry lightning is, but why do you think that?" Barry asks.

"Well, the electrician said he saw a blue flash of light and heard a bang. Then the girl was on the ground, smoking like my daddy's roast on the BBQ." She answers.

Barry snorts, "You've got a devious mind, Anderson."

"Eh" Wenn shrugs "Keeps me distracted from the reality of that poor girls demise."

Barry nods, "True."

A 'ding' sounds from Wenns computer. She walks over, claps and pumps her fist.

"Yes! The immigration database check paid off. Our last victim was... Adam McIver, age 19. I'll run a background check and get an address. Joe needs to notify the parents..."

"Alright, I'll get started on the evidence of today. This one had an ID on her, so that is one less mystery to be solved. Andrea Michaels, 16."
Barry turns to Wenn, "Another teenager. If this wasn't a completely different death I'd think there really was a connection between the other two and this one."

Wenn completes her background check on Adam McIver.
"Kid was in foster care; he's on his 3rd foster family. I'll call Joe and give him both addresses."

After completing her call to Joe, Wenn sits back in her chair. Barry looks at her, she looks so cute, face all scrunched up in concentration.

He smiles and shakes his head.

"What's on your mind?"

Without breaking her concentration, she answers, "What if..." She takes the files of both of their previous cases and places the pictures of both the autopsy as well as the crime scene next to each other on the center table.

"Do you have a magnifying glass, or better yet could you open the original photo's?" She asks Barry.

"Sure, what are you looking for?" He goes to his computer and opens the files.

"Burns" She answers.

"Fred didn't mention any burns in his report." Barry says as he leafs through the report.

"Because, like us, he let himself be led by assumptions, not facts and..."

"...because we already assumed he died of natural causes, he didn't look further." Barry finishes.

Wenn pats his shoulder, "Now you're gettin' it."

She opens the autopsy pictures of the first victim and scans every inch of them. Barry leans over the desk and scans the screen as well.

"Stop! Go back a little." Wenn scrolls back,

"There!" Barry points at the screen, "well I'll be damned..."

Over the heart there are 5 very small burns, not like those of a cigarette, but similar to the irritation that is left after being reanimated with paddles using electric shocks.

Barry opens the second victims' autopsy pictures and immediately zooms in on the heart. The same 5 burn marks are present. He slams his hand on to the desk. Then turns to Wenn.

"You are amazing!" He grabs her face and kisses her. Wenn blushes, and playfully pushes him away.

"You would've eventually figured it out. Todays victim actually gave me the clue. You can start a heart by shocking it with a small amount of electricity, but you can also stop it. That's why Tasers can kill if not used properly. And it wouldn't leave any trace. Well, not very clear anyway."

"So they were shocked to death with a crash cart? Unless..." Barry studies the pictures again.
"I think we need to be looking for a Meta who can control electricity." He sighs, "I guess Black Out wasn't the only one."

"Black Out?" Wenn asks.

"Long story, I'll tell you about him later, look here"

He puts a finger on each of the burns. "It's like someone put their hand over the vics heart and overloaded."

"But... wouldn't Fred pick up on the fact that the heart contracted?" Wenn asks.

"Yeah... he should have... We'll have to ask him about it." Barry answers. It's not like Fred to make an oversight like that, then again, bodies have been piling up left and right, the guy could probably use some help as well."

"So...Where does our latest victim fit in. Dry lightning could still be an option. It strikes her and the spread could have temporarily charged the wire." Wenn ponders.

Barry sits down at his desk and purses his lips, "Or... the Meta realized his 'perfect' crime wasn't all that perfect and is trying to throw us off by suddenly changing his method of killing."

"Maybe Caitlin and Cisco can help? Wenn asks.

Barry nods, "To S.T.A.R. Labs it is."     

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