Chapter XXIII

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"So I think the key is to figure out who it is the symbiot latched on to. This persons weakness might be the key to bring down Zoom." Wenn states.

"That's not gonna be easy" Cisco muses, "Gideon is busted. She was the only one who held the key to the identity of Zoom."

They look over the clues again.

"I got nothing." Cisco throws down the pad of paper, frustrated.

"Me neither" Wenn replies.

She gets up, "I'm gonna find Barry. See how he's doing. He was pretty upset about the whole long lifespan premise thing."

Cisco gives her the tumbs up and goes back to studying the clues.
Wenn walks out of the cortex and down to the pipeline. It seems to be everyones favorite place to hide for a while.
No Barry though.
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. If he is close, she must be able to sense him.
It doesn't take her long to pick up Barry's energy signature. It's faint, but she can pinpoint a direction.

She sends a text to Cisco, telling him she is taking the van to find Barry, and sets off, following the source of the energy. After  driving for a little while she finds the place where his energy signature is the strongest.

Jitters, of course.

She walks in and is goes up to one of the waitresses.
"Excuse me, I'm looking for my boyfriend... Tall, lanky, dark hair... His uhm... sister used to work here, Iris West?" She asks.

"Oh, you mean Barry? Yeah, he's on the roof." The waitress answers.

Wenn thanks the waitress and heads to the roof terras. She finds Barry sitting on the ledge, feet dangling precariously over the edge. She carefully makes her way over to him.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna jump." Barry says without looking back. 

"How..." Wenn starts

"I feel it when you use your powers. I figured you were looking for me." Barry answers.

"Well, just be careful you don't fall then."

Barry snorts, "I can run up and down buildings."

"True." Wenn sets herself next to him and nudges him. "You okay?"

Barry sighs and scrubs a hand down his face. "Yeah... It's just, we all know we'll die at some point, it's a given. But... knowing that I will outlive you all. To know for sure I'll lose everyone I love before I go, maybe more than once, it's... terrifying."

Wenn hums in agreement. "But... You also have a chance to keep the world a safe place for a very long time. I mean, there might be someone else to step up to the plate in the future, but right now you are all the world has."

Wenn takes his hand and interlaces their fingers. Barry looks at their hands, then to her and cocks an eyebrow.

"You doing your 'magic' thing?"

Wenn looks at him. "No, why?"

He smiles, "I feel better. I guess you are magic to me even without your powers."

Wenn smiles and gives him a small, lingering kiss.

"Oh yeah, that makes it even better." Barry mumbles against her mouth.

Wenn laughs, "Now, let's get down from here before we get too distracted and fall." 

Barry gives her a mischievous grin and before she can react Barry grabs hold of her and plummets them off the side of the building. He grabs the momentum and starts running. They reach S.T.A.R. labs in mere seconds.

Wenn looks at him wide eyed, heart racing with adrenaline, "That... was... AWESOME!"

She then hits him against the shoulder. "Don't you ever scare my like that again!"

"Ooow!" Barry recoils, "Really? Cause it's an awesome rush!"

Wenn mock glares at him. "Come on, lets get back inside."

They go up to the cortex and find Caitlin has joined Cisco. As soon as Cisco sees Barry, he gets up and over to him.
"You okay, man?"

"Yeah," Barry answers, "I just had to digest the information, but I'm good. So, watta you got?"

"Well...," Caitlin starts, "I analysed the sample we got off the bike again and it's seems like it reacts so sound, and sound waves."

"Where is Hartley when you need him." Cisco mocks.

Wenn looks at them, puzzled.

"Hartley Rathaway was one of our colleagues. When the particle accellerator exploded his eardrums shattered and he started wreacking havoc using soundwave devices. Which I have to admit, were amazing." Cisco explains.

"Ah okay, but we don't need those devices. We've got you!" Wenn tells him.

Now it's Cait, Barry and Cisco's turn to look puzzled. 

"Okay," Wenn grabs a whiteboard and a marker, and starts drawing, "Everything in the Universe vibrates at a certain frequency.I've even read theories about the fact that we don't see alternate realities, because they vibrate at different frequencies. Only if you can vibrate fast enough, you can see them. Your power of "Vibing" gives you the ability to not only see through the fabrics of time and space, like you have been doing, but to manipulate the vibrations of everything around you. You can use sound vibrations and tremmors the same way I can use magnetic energy. Amplify them, creating a sound blast. Theoretically. "

Cisco blinks, "You really think I can do that?"

Wenn shrugs, "Would make sense."

Cisco looks at his hands, then back at Wenn. "And how do you think I can do that? Cuz... I have no idea. I can sense the vibrations, but... I have no idea how to manipulate it or even how to get a 'vibe' on purpose. Everything that has happened, happened by accident."

"Because you're still scared." Wenn answers

Cisco lets out a nervous little chuckle. Caitlin comes over, "That's a very interesting theory. Let's draw some blood and see wat we can come up with. We've never really done that."

Cisco is still somewhat tentative, but gives in. He made a deal with Wenn and he's gonna stick to it.
Caitlin takes the blood vials and heads to her lab.

The rest of the team is startled by the alarm. Cisco upped the system even more after Jay just wandered in.
Wenn, who is closest to the console walks over to take a look.

"Lets see who our guests are."

As soon as she looks at the screen, she feels like she's going to faint. Barry, who sees all blood drain from her face, rushes over to catch her. He then looks at the screen. 

"Oh, no..." 

Metal objects are starting to rise, Wenn is going in to full blown panic mode. As Barry takes Wenn to their 'sick bay' to calm her down, Caitlin emerges from her lab.

"Cait, some help." Barry calls out to her. Caitlin rushes over.

Cisco goes over to the console and takes a look at who their guests are.

He gasps, then sneers 


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