Chapter III

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"Barry, I..."

Iris rounds the corner of the lab but stops as she sees Barry and Wenn hugging.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I can come back later, sorry."

Barry looks up from Wenns shoulder, but doesn't let go.
"No, come on in it's fine."
Wenn feels a bit awkward and lets go of Barry.
"I'm gonna go through some more missing person reports." She states and walks to her desk.

 Barry turns to Iris, "So what's up?"

Iris throws her arms around Barry's neck.
"I just talked to dad, I'm so glad you are okay! Can we talk?" She whispers, still not knowing Wenn is in on everything.
"Yeah, sure." Barry walks over to Wenn. "You gonna be okay? I won't be gone long."
Wenn nods and smiles, "I'll be fine."
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit."

Without realizing what he is doing, he leans forward and kisses the top of her head.
Wenn looks at him as he exits the lab with Iris and smiles.

Barry and Iris head to Jitters for some coffee.
"Dad told me what happened. Barry, that must have been horrible! To have Wells torment you like that!" Iris puts a hand over his.
"Yeah, but it's all over now. I'm... I'm so sorry I pushed you away... I just... With Eddie and... "

He sighs and rakes a hand through his hair.

"Even without Wells magnifying the feeling, it still feels like I let everyone know."

Iris squeezes his hand. "No Barry, you didn't. From the moment you found out what you could do, you have been helping people. You did the best you could! Unfortunately... the best isn't always enough."
"I'm just glad to have you back." She pats the back of his hand and pulls back .
Barry smiles, "Feels good to be back."

 Iris stares at Barry with a goofy grin.
"What?!" Barry asks her
"Soooo, what is up with you and your lovely assistant?" Iris wiggles her eyebrows
Barry blushes and stammers, "I...we...uhm..."
He furrows his brow and thinks about it. What is this between him and Wenn.
When did they become 'something'.
He chuckles, "I guess... it just happened. I know we've only know each other for a month, feels like I've know her my whole life."

 He gives her a small smile. "Look, Iris... I know I've said this before, but... This time I really mean it. I don't have those feelings for you anymore... Before, even when I was dating other girls, you were always on my mind. But with Wenn... All I can think about is her. I'm... sorry."

Iris smiles. "It's okay Barry. After you confessed your feelings for me, I was confused. I had to figure out what it was I felt. But in the end I realized that yes, I love you, but I am not and never will be IN love with you. Not like I was with Eddie and obviously not like you are with Wenn. She seems like an amazing person, Bar..."
A huge smile spreads over his face, "She is. I can't even describe what it is I feel. But it feels so good. I know it's partly because of our powers, but she also has an amazing personality."

 "Wow, wait, back up?! What do you mean 'because of our powers'?!" Iris asks.

Barry's eyes widen "No, I mean uhm..." He blows out a breath of air,
"Iris, I know I promised no more secrets... But this isn't my secret to tell..."
Iris crosses her arms and looks at him

"Does she know you're the Flash?"

Barry avoids her eyes, "Yes..."
Iris bends forward over the table, "You mean to tell me that you kept this from me, your best friend, for months. But this pretty girl bats her eyelashes just once and you tell her?! What the hell, Barry?!"

"No, Iris, she did not bat her eyelashes at me and I told her. I was actually a real jerk to her when we met. She figured it out on her own."

Barry is getting a bit annoyed with her constantly throwing this fact back in his face.

"Look, I am sorry I didn't tell you straight away. I was kinda dealing with a lot of stuff, you know. I came out of a 9 month coma to find that I was not only struck by lightning, but suddenly possessed superhuman speed. There is a reason I wear a mask, why I don't share my identity with the world, like Tony Stark did."

Iris furrows her brow, "Who?"

"Tony Stark? Iron Man?" Barry answers

Still no dawning on Iris.
"Forget it, point is if people know who I am, even the good guys, it could get them hurt. Captain Cold kidnapped Cisco once, because not only could he rebuild his weapon, but also because he knew Cisco knows my identity. Cold tortured Cisco's brother until Cisco told him who the Flash was."

Iris looks at him, shocked.

"Knowing who I am is dangerous and being close to me is dangerous, that is why I didn't tell you. It may have been better if I had, but Iris people like Cold will use that to their advantage and try to get to me by hurting the people I love. Why do you think I went off the grid for months after Eddies death? Not just because I was hearing voices, but because I didn't want to be the cause of someone else getting hurt!"

"Barry, I had no idea." She hadn't thought of it like that. She thought they saw her as some damsel in distress that couldn't handle the truth. That's why she was so angry.

"No you didn't, because you were so consumed by your own anger to even listen to my reasons for not telling you. You never even tried to look at it from my point of view."

 Barry gets up and puts on his jacket.

 "I gotta go."

The Flash: RepentanceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora