Chapter XXVII

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Barry brings them to an old part of Keystone with many abandoned appartment buildings and storage units.
It's famous with youngsters that have fallen off the grid and need a place to stay. They break in and live in the abandoned appartments.
Barry made sure this building was empty before he considered this location.
Wenn is in her suit and Cisco is wearing the special glasses they made back when they needed him to visit the alternate timeline (in which he was killed by fake Wells). He and Wenn modified it even more, so it allows Cisco to have a firm control over his powers.
Barry however is wearing jeans and a hoodie.

"Okay, Cisco, you go hide in that corner. Wenn, you over there, just outside the light." Barry instructs them.

"I'm the lure. When Zoom arrives, Wenn I want you to come out of the corner."

"And then?" Wenn asks

"Nothing yet, just walk out of the shadow and in to his field of vision. Cisco, when Zoom notices her and focusses on her, shoot the dart." Barry answers.

"Woah, woah, Barry 'when' he focusses on her? How can you be so sure, and how will I know. What if he doesn't?" Cisco asks.

"Cisco, trust me. He will." Barry aswers.

Cisco takes a breath, "Alright, okay."

Barry continues "If you see the dart has an effect, shoot the high frequency pulse, if not..." 

"Mess up the guys Speedforce, got it." Cisco finishes.

"Wenn..." Barry turns to her

"I know, use the forcefield to seperate the Symbiot from the host and guide it to the trap. You open it and seal the sucker in there." She tells him.

Barry grabs her face and kisses her forehead. "Good girl"

He turns and starts walking to the makeshift bed in the corner. Halfway there he turns back to her. "Wenn...I'm sorry..."

Wenn looks at him with confusion.

"You'll understand when all of this is over." He turns again and walks to the bed. He lays on it, back to them, facing the wall and Wenn positions herself in the shadows again.
They wait for a good two hours. Barry hopes he calculated the right amount of time between prep and Zoom 'finding' the needed information.
He doesn't have to wonder for long as he hears a whoosh followed by crackling of lightning.

"Marco Alvarez" a demon like voice speaks.

Barry turns and takes of his hood, "No" He looks at the black clad figure before him. Dark eyes and crackling with blue lightning.

Zoom is surprised "Barry Allen, not the one I was looking for just yet." 

A moment of silence, "But I guess it will do."

The moment Zoom wants to lunge at Barry, Wenn emerges from the shadow.
Zoom notices the movement in the corner of his eye and turns towards Wenn. He does a double take and whispers "It can't be..." 

He seems to go idle and like Barry said, completely focusses on Wenn.

Cisco shoots the dart and the moment it hits Zoom he screams and collapses on to the floor.

The moment the dart hit, Wenn saw Zooms lightning flicker yellow for just a second and it all clicks.

She doesn't have much time to think because Cisco hits Zoom with the soundwave. Zoom screams again as he wriths on the floor. The sound wave seems to disturb the hold the symbiot has on it's host.

Wenn ready's herself, "Cisco, hit him again!"

Cisco sends another soundwave Zooms way and as it hits, the Symbiot detaches itself for a few seconds. Wenn engulves it with a forcefield so it can't attach itself again.
It does not like it and pulls towards the now limp figure on the floor. The Symbiot is strong, but as soon as Barry opens the trap Wenn feels the pull shift towards the trap as if it refocusses it's attention to Barry's energy.

She still has to use all she has got to get the entity over the trap.

Barry starts running circles and yell's "Cisco, hit it again!!"

Cisco again produces a soundwave and Barry follows with throwing a lightningbolt at it. That does the trick and the Symbiot disapears in to the trap. Barry shuts it and it's done.

The 3 of them stand in the middle of the room, looking at the smoking trap. Stunned at what just happened.

Wenn is the first one to snap out of it and runs over to the unconsious figure on the floor.

Cisco follows. Suddenly 'Zoom' doesn't look so intimidating anymore, but he's still cautious. Wenn isn't and kneels next to the man. 

"Wenn, be careful" Cisco warns.

"It's okay Cisco." And Wenn gently turns 'Zoom' towards them.

Cisco gasps, "Oh my god..." He turns to Barry, "You KNEW!"

Barry nods. "I did..."

He walks over to Wenn and Cisco.

"Would you have been able to do what you just did, without hesitation, if you knew... if you knew it was me in there..." Barry says as he looks down at his unconcious, slightly older self.

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