Chapter XVIII

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In a small dingy apartment across town, a figure sits in a chair, his head in his hands. He's breathing heavily, rocking back an forth.
His suit is black as night, safe from the lightning bolt on his chest and his eyes. Both emanate a blue glow.
The voice inside his head is still strong, still fighting him.

He's not like the others. They were silenced easily, died within mere hours. Not this one. He's making him FEEL.
Guilt, remorse, regret...

No, he isn't build like that, he can't feel. He shakes his head, trying to get a grip.

But the man inside him is strong. His willpower is unlike any being he has ever encountered. Zoom can feels his resistance, battling against the abyss, battling against death.
He needs to silence him, soon, or he'll lose more time. Time is precious, time is running out.

He is startled by the voice coming from his com-system.

"Sir... you have to stop."

"Shut.up." Zoom grits through his teeth. His voice sounds like a broken tape recorder, warped, distorted.

Gideon continues. "You are destroying the speedforce."

"It needs to be destroyed. Time has been messed with for too long. Time needs to be corrected." Zoom tells her.

"Destroying the speedforce will destroy all time, destroy the universe. Please sir, this is not you, please come back to the light. You can't let..."

Zoom jumps up and rips the com system from his arm. He crushes it and throws it across the room.

"I TOLD YOU, SHUT.UP!!!" he yells as the com system containing Gideon shatters in to a thousand pieces against a wall.

Zoom zips out of the room.

This is it, this is the freedom Gideon needs. Disconnected from the suit and the speedforce, her emergency protocol kicks in. She scans the area for an access point. She quickly finds it and after hacking the code, she flies through the world wide web, searching for the only man who can stop this madness. 

Her creator and the fastest man alive, Barry Allen.

The Flash: RepentanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant