Chapter XIV

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Their first stop is the morgue.
Wenn talks with the coroner to distract him so Barry can quickly check the body for the familiar marks over the victims heart and scans it with Jays device.

Wenn thanks the coroner for answering her question and they head outside to meet up with Jay.

"And?" Both Jay and Wenn ask Barry

"Nothing." Barry answers.

Wenn and Jay both frown, "Nothing?!"

Barry shakes his head, "Nope, nothing. No marks, no speedforce traces, nothing."

Jay sighs, "Tough break, kid."

"We should go back to the precinct and examine the evidence. Maybe we'll find something there." Wenn suggests.

They flash back to CCPD. The evidence has already been brought up to the lab by one of the uni's. 
They scan everything, again nothing.

Barry gets a bit frustrated, "Why can't we find something?!"

Wenn walks over to his desk and sits down on it. "Maybe this really is unrelated. You've been playing this 'hunt the Meta' game for a while, it is hard to get back to the notion that accident do happen."

"I don't know... Maybe." He looks around the lab, something is missing. He checks his evidence log. 
"The bike..."

Wenn looks around the lab. "You are right, it's not here! Who was the officer that took the evidence from the crime scene?"

Barry checks the log again, "Officer....Brink."

Barry flashes around the precinct, looking for the officer in question. He finds him in the garage, with the bike. He calls Wenn. She and Jay come down to the garage as well.

"Excuse me, officer Brink?"

The officer startles and looks up. His eyes fly all over the place. Both Jay and Barry are on high alert. Is this Zoom? Is he controlled by Zoom? Is Zoom here?!
Wenn feels the energy in both men start to rise.
"Boys, calm down."

Barry looks at her. She shakes her head no. Barry visible relaxes and walks over to the officer.

"Do you mind telling me what you are doing with that? That is evidence."

"I... I... Look, I didn't think you guys needed it. You took pictures of it and, and it was an accident! My grandson got in to the cycling team, and he needs a bike. This one is perfect!"

Barry looks at the tools scattered around the bike, and there is a new wheel. So he isn't lying. He IS breaking the law though.
Barry looks back at Wenn. She shrugs and walks over.

"Officer Brink, you do realize this is a very serious offense? Not only did you steal something, from the police, your employer no less, you contaminated evidence. Even if we suspect something is just an accident, we need to verify that it was indeed just that."

She puts her hand on the officers arm, to gauge his energy level. This man is of the age that he has been a cop long enough to know these kind of things.
His negative energy levels are skyrocketing. She suspects it's anxiety, terror even. The man is terrified.
She looks up at Barry and nods.
Barry nods back and Wenn does her thing. Draining the negative and feeding the man some positive energy.
This visibly relaxes the officer

"Who told you to take the bike?" Barry asks the officer.

"Wait, what? Nnno, no one!" The officer replies. Wenn feels his anxiety rise again.

"Did he or she threaten you?" Wenn asks.

Brinks eyes shoot all over the place, like he's looking for something. Finally he settles on Wenn and starts whispering, "He, he... He had a lightning bolt on his chest, like the Flash, only the other way round. He looked like a demon, like death himself. Hhhis eyes, they glowed and there was lightning everywhere. And that voice... I'll never forget that voice."

"Zoom." Jay states.

"He said he would kill me." Officer Brink tells them.

Wenn takes out the scanning device Jay gave them and scans the bike. Right under the handlebar there is a clear patch of blue energy emanating off the bike.
She turns the device to Barry.

"Damned" he swears under his breath. "Okay, we got off the bike what we need. Why don't you take it, just as you promised Zoom you would, so he won't know you talked to us. Just, don't stall it here, take it home."

"Thank you, thank you, sir."

Officer Brink gathers his stuff and scrambles out of the garage.

Barry, Wenn and Jay head back up to the lab. Barry flops down in his chair and scrubs a hand over his face.

"What does he want, why is he killing all these people?" He questions.

Wenn walks over to Barry, "You okay?"

He takes her hand and kisses it. "Yeah... It just feels like Wells all over again. A nemisis that is running amok, but we have no clue as to what his motives are. Except that it has something to do with me."

Wenn puts her other hand to his face and caresses it with her thumb. He looks up at her and she sees that lost look in his eyes again, like he is again taking the weight of the whole world on his shoulders. Like these people getting killed by this lunatic is somehow his fault.
She bends down en presses a kiss to his lips. She lets it linger for a bit, then pulls back a little.

"We'll figure it out" She whispers and gives him another chaste kiss.

Barry smiles, "You always know how to make me feel better."

She winks, "It's a gift."

Jay clears his throat, "If you two love birds are done, we still have a speed demon to take care of."

Barry chuckles, "Sorry, usually we don't have an audience here."

"Okay, so, recap; In light of what we found, we can conclude that all 4 victims were killed by this Zoom. This last guy was literally torpedoed off his bike after Zoom grabbed it and it came to a full stop." Wenn recaps.

Barry narrows his eyes, "What I'm wondering is, how come he leaves evidence that not only shows us a speedster is involved, but also rules out an accident. If he is so fast, he should have plenty of time to stage it as if it truly was an accident or natural causes, yet there is always this little clue that it isn't."

"So what are you saying? He's getting careless?" Jay asks

"Or he wants to get caught." Wenn deducts.

Barry nods, "Exactly." 

Jay snorts, "That is impossible, he's pure evil. He once exclaimed to me that he was the fastest man alive and that he needed to 'correct' time, whatever the cost."

Wenn frowns, "What the hell does that mean?"

Jay shrugs, "No idea, but that might be why he is killing people."

"To...correct...time. But what has that got to do with me?" Barry asks

"Don't know that either, but the last thing he said to me was that he needed to 'take care of Barry Allen'", Jay answers.

"Okay, I have to process all this info. Let's go home, digest and start fresh tomorrow. So far he hasn't made a pass at me and the killings seem to be a couple of days apart. We need to put everything in to order and form a plan against this... this demon." Barry grabs his coat, then turns to Jay, "You have a place to stay?"

Jay nods. 

"Good, we will meet up first thing in the morning at S.T.A.R. Labs." Barry tells him.

"Alright, see you then." And Jay flashes out of the lab.

Barry turns to Wenn, "Let's go home."

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