Chapter VIII

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After somewhat catching his breath, Barry lifts his head and props it op on his hand.
"You know..." He traces her nose with his finger and grins.
"You've ruined me for every other woman out there."

"Well Mr. Allen, I ain't planning on letting you go anyways."
She gives him a chaste kiss and pushes him off her.
He flops on his back and Wenn gets up.
"Where are you going?" He asks still slightly panting.

"Bathroom, I gotta pee." She answers.
Barry snorts, "Way to break the mood, shweetheart."
She throws him a wink over her shoulder as she sashays to the bathroom.

"Oh...Oh yes... That'll bring it back." He says as he watches her walk away from him.

Barry climbs back on to the bed and gets under the covers.
He puts his hands under his head and looks at the ceiling.
Wenn hums in the bathroom and Barry smiles, he's glad she is feeling better.
His smile fades as he thinks how this started, her shaking like a leaf on his lap.
As much as he enjoyed this, and her REALLY did, he's very aware she used it to try and forget the thing that happened in her nightmare.

He sighs, he's going to have to handle this carefully if he wants her to open up.
The bathroom door opens and Wenn emerges.
His breath hitches.
God, she's gorgeous...

She smiles and crawls in to bed next to him. She scoots close and puts her head on his shoulder.
He puts his arm around her and pulls her even closer.
Wenn lets out a content sigh.
They lay in silence for a little while.
Barry traces her arm with his fingers.
"Are you ever going to tell me what is bothering you?" He asks her.
Wenn swallows and peppers his chest with kisses.

Barry takes her head in his hands and looks at her, "Damned Wendy! Don't distract me!"
She looks at him defiantly. "Oh, my full name! I'm in trouble!"
He glares at her, "Don't make me break out 'Gwendolyn'" He threatens.
"Alright, alright, 'Bartholomew." She shoots back, grinning.
He sits them up,

"You are doing it again! You are trying to get me off the subject. Why don't you trust me?!" He raises his voice slightly.

She blinks at him, then looks down.
"I do..." she whispers.

He strokes her hair and settles his hand in the back of her neck.
"Then why won't you tell me? Why won't you let me help you?"

"Because..." She whispers, "I don't want to remember..."

She sniffles.

Barry lifts her head and notices the tears rolling down her cheeks.

He takes her in his arms and strokes her hair, "Oh baby, I'm so sorry I pressed."

He presses a few kisses to her hair.
"But take it from a guy who kept his demons buried for way to long, it can lead to some explosive situations."

That earns him a small giggle.
He pulls back a little and looks at her. "I'm serious Wenn, like a wise woman told me not too long ago, you need to deal with this."
She wipes away her tears and sighs, "I know... I just..."

"Okay," Barry says, "Lets park it for now. We'll talk about it when you areready, even if you only feel comfortable revealing small parts at a time. But you need to talk about it, alright?"
Wenn nods.
"Now lets sleep, work calls in the morning. Cap might have a soft spot for you, but he still hates my guts." He chuckles.

They lay back down and Barry pulls her close.
He feels her press another soft kiss to his chest.
"Thank you..." She whispers.
He presses a kiss to her forehead.

"Anything for you..."

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