Chapter VII

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Barry watches a little more TV. Enjoying the calm and quiet.

Even before becoming the Flash and all the chaos of the past 6 months he can't remember when he'd ever felt so at peace, so... at home.

He looks at Wenns sleeping form and sighs.
"I better get you in to bed." He whispers.
He carefully picks her up from the couch. 
"Whazzup?" A sleepy voice mumbles.
"I'm putting you in bed." He whispers in her ear.
"'kay" She nuzzles against his neck.
Barry carries her to the bedroom and puts her in bed.
He gets up to leave when she grabs his wrist.
He smiles, "You sure?" He whispers.
"Hmmhm." She mumbles.
He strips down to his boxers and T-shirt and crawls in to bed next to her. He carefully spoons behind her and places a kiss behind her ear.
"'night" she answers.

Halfway through the night, Barry wakes up. He looks over at Wenn who is covered in a sheen of sweat, thrashing around.
"Please, no... I... Can't!.... I'm... No!"
Wenn keeps talking, but it doesn't make any sense. The only thing he knows for sure is that whatever is happening in her dream, isn't good.
He grabs her arms in attempt to still her and wake her up.

"STOP!" She flies up and Barry is knocked across the room.
Wenn sits up, panting. Horror still evident in her eyes.
Barry gets up and carefully approaches her.
"Wenn?" No response.
"Wendy?" He uses her full name. She blinks up at him. Her breathing becomes even more erratic.
Barry reaches for her "Hey, hey, everything is okay."
Wenn pulls back. He feels a spark, like the ones you feel when you discharge static electricity.
She's negatively charged and agitated, a dangerous combination.
He needs to ground her. He's done it before, but it was by 'accident', so he's not sure what to do.

He takes a deep breath and steps off the bed.
He goes to stand next to her.
"Wenn? Look at me."
She slowly responds.

What he sees in her eyes is pure terror and it makes him want to pull her close and never let go.

He doesn't though; blowing another apartment to smithereens is going to be hard to explain.
"Give me your hands please."
She does and the moment he takes them, he feels a strong force coursing through him. At first he feels it's repelling him, but after a couple of seconds he feels the force die down to the familiar tingling.

Wenn blinks a few times, then looks up at him.
"I'm sorry..."
Barry sits next to her on the bed and puts his arms around her.
"It's okay. You... wanna talk about it?" He asks.
She shaking like a leaf and it instinctively makes him pull her closer.
She crawls on to his lap. "No... Just... hold me."
"Sure." He can do that.

They sit there for a couple of minutes.

"You know you can..."
"Barry, please...don't talk"
He feels her get up slightly, than straddle him.
He now looks up at her and swallows, "Wenn..."

She pushes her finger to his lips "Sshhhh" and starts kissing him passionately.
He immediately responds, pulling her closer.

Before his last remaining brain cells are taken over by what is happening in his pants, he breaks the kiss.
"I..I.. I don't think we should do this right now." He breathes against her mouth.
She recaptures his lips. God... this feels good. She feels so good.

He breaks the kiss again " Wendy..." He's noticed that using her given name gets her attention.

"Please Barry. I need to feel something else. I need to feel you."
He swallows. Yep, that'll do the trick; his last functioning brain cells are out of the window.
He pushes his lips to hers and she deepens the kiss.
Her hands drift down his chest and she grabs the hem of his shirt. She breaks the kiss and pulls his shirt up over his head.
Barry starts kissing her neck and traces them along her jawline back to her mouth.
Their kisses become more frantic and both their body's start tingling.
Their powers are connecting and enhancing every little touch.

 Barry's hands disappear under her shirt and he finds the clasp of her bra. Why was she still wearing the damn thing.
"Lemme help you." Wenn mumbles against his mouth.
She stops kissing him and takes off her shirt, slowly, a mischievous grin spreading over her face.
Barry stares at her as she ever so slowly takes of her bra as well.
"God, you're beautiful..." He whispers.

He cups one of her breasts with his hand and caresses her nipple with his thumb.
Wenn swallows.
He then bends forward and starts sucking on it gently.
Wenn gasps, a surge of electricity courses through both of them.
He grins and looks up at her. He goes to work on her other breast while he keeps teasing the first one with his tumb.
Another gasp and another surge of electricity courses through them. 

"Ground" Wenn pants. Barry looks up at her, brown knit with confusion. Then he sees the electricity coursing through her eyes and gets it.
They need to be grounded or they will literally blow the roof off.
Fortunately her apartment is on the ground floor.

Barry slides them to the edge of the bed and gently lowers them to the ground.
He kisses her again, god he loves kissing her.
Her hands slide down his torso in to his boxes.
She teasingly strokes the length of his cock, he's big she notices.
He gasps in her mouth.
"Someone is having a happy moment." Wenn grins at him.
All Barry can manage is a shaky "Yeah..."

She moves off his lap and removes his boxes completely. Her teasing strokes turn in to a massage. Barry closes his eyes. Then he feels her lips close around his dick and she gently starts sucking while slowly moving up and down. Every time she reaches the tip she teases it with her tongue. His breathing becomes erratic, electricity is sparking off him.
"This feels so good..." He pants, he wants more. He thrusts his pelvis forward to match her movement. Building to a release.
He grabs her head and stills her. "Easy does it, I possess superspeed remember."
She releases his cock from her mouth and gives it another teasing lick. She relishes in the fact that she can drive him crazy.

God, this woman...

She gets up and takes off her briefs.

Her pelvis is at his eye-level, something he immediately takes advantage of.

He lunges forward and gives her clit a lick.

Wenn wobbles on her feet. Barry catches her and sits her back down on the ground.
"My turn." He grins and wiggles his eyebrows.
He trails kisses down her torso until he is between her legs.
He opens her legs and starts licking her, teasing every little nerve.
Wenn moans. "More..." She lays down further.
So he gives her more. After some teasing, he starts sucking her clit. This earns him another moan and a delicious surge of energy.
"Oh god, yes..."Wenn pants
He sucks a bit harder.

"Wait, wait..." She breathes. She pulls him back up.
"I want to feel you."
Barry's mouth goes dry and he swallows.
He pulls up one of her legs and puts it over his shoulder. He teases her a bit by rubbing his dick over her sensitive clit.
She gasps and grabs the back of his neck, pulling him to her. He pulls back a little and rests his forehead against hers.
He looks straight at her as he enters her slowly but not yet completely.
She grabs his shoulders and gasps "Oh...god..." She spreads he legs a bit further to grant him better access.
He pulls back fully and enters again, slowly, a bit further in.
Another gasp, her nails digging in his shoulders.
He pulls back again, then enters her fully.

This time he moans and relishes in the feeling of her around him.
His moves are deliberate and slow. It's driving her crazy. She grabs his butt and tries to direct his movement.
"Deeper..." She moans
Barry's movements speed up slightly at this statement. He moves her slightly to make sure he can fully enter he.
"Ooooh, yes..." Is her reaction.

Wenn matches his rhythm and urges him to speed it up.

He doesn't want to, not yet...
So he keeps his movement steady.
Small amounts of electricity are released with every thrust.

"God you feel so.good..." He pants and kisses the inside of her thigh.
His movements speed up and it takes every piece of self-control not go in to superspeed mode.
He gauges her reaction and the moment he sees she is close to her release he picks up the pace.

 "Oh.god.Barry" She fists her hands in his hair.
He pulls her as close as she can.
He puts his hands on the floor and thrusts as deep in her as he can.
"Aaaaaaah" Barry releases, Wenn comes just a moment after him.
Lightning is crackling all around them making the feeling even more explosive.

 Excess energy flows in to the ground via Barry's hands.

He slowly rides it out, coming down off the high.
Then collapses on top of Wenn, who pulls him close.

Both completely depleted, but completely satisfied.

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