Chapter VI

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Back at her apartment, Wenn drops down on her couch.
"Owww... I really have to be more careful." She looks up at Barry and smiles sheepishly.

"Yes, you do. You need to get back on your feet." He points his index finger at her warningly.

"Why?" She raises an eyebrow, "So you can get me in bed?" She teases him.

He grins at her mischievously. He bends over and puts his hands on the pillow, at either side of her face.
"Not my first priority, but definitely a big plus." He wiggles his eyebrows and gives her a teasing kiss before getting up.

"I am famished though. You have some food I could whip up? Preferably high calorie for me." He asks her.

"I'm not really hungry, but have a look around, I'm sure there will be something to your liking." Wenn smiles tiredly.
Barry goes to the kitchen and opens the fridge. Left over lasagna and chocolate pudding, he could go for that. He gets it out and walks to the microwave.

There is a knock on the door. He hears Wenn groan as she gets up to open the door. He smiles. Of course he could flash in there and do it for her, but she'd probably glare him back in to the kitchen with an 'I'm fine' statement anyway.

He puts the dish with Lasagna in to the microwave and just before he pushes the start button he hears a familiar voice;
"Miss Anderson? I am Patty Spivot. Can I come in and ask you some questions?"

"Sure." Wenn replies. She hopes Barry heard this and stays in the kitchen. Just to be sure she uses her powers to push him back a little.
Barry feels the nudge. "Got it." He whispers and refrains from pushing the start button.

He goes to the door to listen to the conversation and hopes he can figure out Wenns plan.

"Miss Anderson, yesterday we were called in to an apartment building on Grand street. You know that building?"
Wenn nods, "Yes, my boyfriend lives there."

Barry smiles at this statement.

Patty looks up from her notebook, "Barry Allen is your boyfriend?"

Wenn nods again, "And I assume you are here because his apartment is blown to smithereens."
Patty nods and continues "Yes, care to elaborate on that, and more importantly, why you didn't call the police?"

Wenn feigns surprise "Because... the Flash said he'd take care of it."
"The Flash?" Patty asks

"Yes," Wenn continues, "I heard something and suddenly there was a guy in the living room. I thought he was a burglar. I...I don't remember anything else. Just waking up here with Barry and the Flash sitting next to me. Apparently the guy that showed up in Barry's apartment was a...a Metaman?"

"Metahuman" Patty corrects.

Barry smiles. Good girl, she's nailing it.

"Metahuman, right. The Flash was chasing him and he tried to hide. The Flash found him soon after and they fought. The Flash and the guy literally clashed, causing a blast that knocked me out. Then he said we shouldn't worry about the fallout, that he would take care of things." Wenn finishes

"And who patched you up? The Flash? Because there are no records of you being admitted to a hospital." Patty asks

Damned, she forgot about that little detail.
"I don't know. I didn't really think about it. I was just glad to be home. Maybe Barry knows."

"Speaking of Mr. Allen, where was he when all this took place. There is no evidence of him being there during the blast."

"Getting Chinese Food." Wenn hopes Cisco will be able to manipulate surveillance footage, because she is sure Spivot will check this.

"Getting...Chinese food. Why didn't you have it delivered?" Patty asks, sounding a bit suspicious.

"Mr. Wongs doesn't deliver. Best Chinese in Central City though!" Wenn smiles.

Patty smiles "True! Okay, I think that wraps up this interview."
Patty gets up and walks to the door.
"Oh, one more thing, did Barry stay with you over night?"

Wenn frowns, "I think he did. I fell asleep at one point. He was there and he was there in the morning when I woke up. So I guess he did."
Wenn knows that witness statements that are too clean are suspicious, so she deliberately kept a few things vague.

Patty is satisfied. So far everything she got from Wenn doesn't give her any reason for suspicion. She knows the Flash has a special prison for Metahumans. She will have to talk to him about it.

"Do you want me to ask Barry to come and talk to you?" Wenn asks

Patty thinks about it for a second,
"No, I'll see if I can contact the Flash and talk to him. If he confirms your story, it's all good."
Wenn makes the attempt to get up, but Patty holds up her hand.
"I'm sure that blast did a number on you. I'll let myself out. Thank you for your time."

Patty walks out and closes the door behind her. Wenn lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
She chuckles, "Looks like we got out of that one." she tells herself.

Barry peeks out of the kitchen window and waits until Spivot walks out of the building, then he walks back to the living room.

"That was quick thinking! I already texted Cisco to make sure the surveillance video's show me on route to and from Mr. Wongs in the right time frame. I also texted Joe to make sure he's got the right details, just in case Patty asks him more questions." He informs Wenn.

"Good, I was hoping you'd get the hint. I'm glad we are on the same frequency." Wenn smiles up from on the couch.

"Literally." Barry laughs.

Suddenly there is a rumbling sound. Barry looks down at his stomach.
"Ah yes, food." He rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "Be right back!"
He walks back in to the kitchen and starts the microwave. It's times like this he'd wish everything worked at super speed.

The microwave dings and Barry opens the door. He takes a good sniff. It smells heavenly. He takes a towel to get the hot dish out.

After rummaging through the drawers he finds a fork and spoon. He grabs the pudding as well and immediately starts shoving lasagna in to his mouth as he exits the kitchen.

"Tfis haf gopt to be fuh befst Lasafna I hve 'ver..." He starts, mouth filled with Lasagna
He looks down at the couch to see Wenn sound asleep.

He chuckles and swallows, "My company is that boring huh."

He smiles and sits down at the empty spot on the couch, turns on the TV and finishes his lasagna, then starts on the pudding.

He looks at Wenns sleeping form again.

Yup, this is definitely something he could get used to.    

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