Chapter IV

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Barry returns to the lab, still miffed about Iris.
As he enters the lab Wenn notices the dark look on his face.

"Everything okay?" She carefully asks.

Barry flops down in his chair and pinches the bridge of his nose.

 "Iris and I had a fight."

"Uhoh, what about." Wenn walks over to him.

"The Flash" He answers.

 "The... Flash? But she knows you are the Flash right?" Wenn asks.

"Yes, but... I kept that from her for a while. She found out and well, was less than pleased about being kept in the dark."
Wenn shrugs, "I can understand that, she is your best friend and you kept her in the dark about the biggest change in your life. When did she find out?"

Barry blows out a breath of air, "Uuuhm... about 6 months ago?"

 "6 months?! And she is still upset with you!?" Wenn asks surprised.

 Barry nods. "I thought we were okay, you know. We did talk about it, sorta. I thought that even though she was upset, which she had a right to be, she also understood why I didn't tell her... Guess I was wrong..."

Wenn pats his shoulder, "Just let it settle and talk to her again. I'm sure you'll work it out. She is your best friend, she knows you."
"I used to think that, but... she doesn't. She has good intentions and I can talk to her about certain things, but doesn't 'get' me." He reaches forward and slides his hand down her arm to her hand.
"Not like you do."

Wenn swallows.

Barry gets up and takes her hands in his.
"I...don't know when, but...somewhere we became 'something'. Not just physical attraction, but more. I can talk to you about anything, you get me. And even though we've only known each other for a short period, you truly understand how I work."

Wenn stares at him. He was right, they became something and she liked it. She was just afraid that if they voiced it, they would jinx it.

"I want this" He whispers ," Us..."

Barry starts playing with her fingers nervously, waiting for her to say something.

She steps forward and kisses him. "Me too" she mumbles against his lips.
He carefully pulls her closer and deepens the kiss.
She slides a hand in his hair, softly scratching his scalp.
It feels so good he almost forgets where he is.

He pulls back and rests his forehead against hers.

"So, it's official now?"

Wenn smiles and pretends to mull it over, "Hmmm, yeah, I guess we could give it a shot."

Barry laughs and Wenn gives him another quick kiss.
"As much as I enjoy kissing you, Mr. Allen, we still have work to do."

Barry chuckles and turns to his samples, which are still running.

"I think these two cases might just be coincidental. I mean we haven't found anything in regards to evidence, nor did the body's present signs of struggle, drugs or poison. So how do we even begin to connect them? Did AFIS spit out a name yet?"

Wenn shakes her head. "No, but if he doesn't have a record, he won't be in there. But I'll start running the prints through the immigration database as well. We are all required to have our fingerprints registered in out passports these days."

Barry snaps his fingers and points at her, "Good thinking."

"So, what do you kids have on our DB?" Joe enters the lab.

"Nothing." Barry and Wenn answer simultaneously.

Joe sighs, "Well looks like natural causes then. Write up your preliminaries, the Cap is pressing for results. Then call it a day."

"Alright, thanks Joe!" Barry sits down at his desk.

"Oh Bar, have you talked to Spivot yet?" Joe asks.

Barry shakes his head. "Haven't seen her."

"Well, there was a place down at Wilson that showed damage similar to the damage to your apartment, so she now thinks the two are related. She took the evidence to Keystone PD, since you are involved." Joe informs him.

"Okay." Barry answers.
Joe exits the lab and Barry turns to Wenn.

"How the hell am I going to bullshit my way out of that one."

"Why don't you have the Flash talk to her?" Wenn suggests

"That is not a bad idea. But she took evidence from my apartment. You were hurt, so she must have found your blood... How do we explain that."

"Hmmm," Wenn mulls it over. 

"I'll have to think about that, lets hope she doesn't come to question us today. Maybe Cisco and Caitlin have an idea. I have to go to S.T.A.R. Labs tonight anyways..." Wenn begrudgingly says.

"Caitlin just wants to make sure you are okay, it's what she does."

"I know... I just don't like all the fuss over me. I'll be fine." She still doesn't like all this attention.

Barry finishes his preliminary report and walks over to her.

 "Okay, think of it as doing her a favour. Making sure you are alright will make her feel better."

She grabs her own report and gets up,
"Alright then, lets get on the Captains good side by turning these in on time and get going!"

Barry smiles.

"Let's go!"

The Flash: Repentanceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن