Chapter XXII

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As Cisco and Wenn shake on their little pact, Barry flashes in to the pipeline.

He walks up to Wenn, concerened look on his face. The tear streaks are still visible on her face. He rubs them away with his thumbs and takes her face in his hands.

"You okay?"

Wenn smiles and nods to Cisco, "Yeah, we had a good talk. I'm sorry I walked out like that. I feel a little silly now." 
She averts her eyes. Thinking back, she feels she did overreact a bit.

"No, not after what you've been through." Barry tells her. Cisco hums in agreement.

"Like I said, I don't know the details of what happened, but my comment triggered something. That tells me it must have been terrible. So I'm the one who is sorry for my insensitive comment."

Wenn laughs, "Maybe we should just put it behind us and get back to the matter at hand, getting my powers under control."

She gets up and heads back to the cortex. Cisco goes to follow, but Barry stops him.

"Thanks, man. Things really have been rough for her." 

Cisco tilts his head and looks at Barry with a curious look on his face. "So... what happend to her?"

Barry's face turns dark and spits just one words before turning and heading back to the catch up with Wenn in the cortex,


Cisco feels like the wind is knocked out of him. Eiling... Thinking back to what he did to Bett, Professor Stein and even Barry (who looked like a porcipine courtesy of one of Eilings concotions), it sends shivers down his spine to even imagine what he might have done to Wenn. To bad they couldn't have kept him locked up in the pipeline when they had him.
He sighs and makes his way back to the cortex.
Wenn is back in the suit and looks to be full of excitement again.

"So, lets go!" she bounces.

Cisco walks over to his computer and puts an analytics program on the screen. It's the read out of the sensors in Wenn's suit.

"Slow down there, Pulse, lets see what the sensors in your suit registered. You can use the info to regulate the discharges."

Cisco scans the info, as do Wenn and Barry.

"You need to adjust the release valves of the conducters." Barry concludes, "she can't regulate them this way because they only open and close."

Cisco goes over the data again. "Damn, you are right. I should have thought of that!"
He goes to Wenn and de-assembles the conductors.

"I'm gonna need a little time."

Barry and Wenn nod and sit down. Wenn takes off her mask and studies the data again as well.

"What are you staring at?" she grins at Barry. 

He snaps out of his stare and stammers, "No, nothing, I... just..." He leans forward far enough for his lips to almost touch her ear and whispers "I was just thinking you look incredibly hot in that suit."

His hot breath tickles her ear, that and his words send shivers down her spine. She turns to him, faces almost touching.
Barry swallows and leans in all the way, capturing her lips with his. She responds immediately by deepening the kiss. Barry pulls her closer, but it's not close enough for her. Withouth breaking the kiss she straddles his lap. Slowly she starts unbuttoning his shirt. Barry stammers between kisses "Cisco.... other room... we..." Just as Wenn starts to undo his belt Cisco re-enters the cortex.

"Aw, guys, forreal?! I already told you to keep that in the bedroom." He turns and Wenn and Barry compose themselves, while apologizing.

"Sorry, we, uhm, yeah...." Barry sheepishly rubs the back of his neck.

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