Chapter XII

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Barry blinks. He looks at Caitlin, surprise evident on his face.


Caitlin turns the computer so he can look at the screen. Two windows are opened next one another.
"Look" She points to the left window, "This is your latest blood sample. They measure a certain amount of activity. This..." She points to the right window, "... is the sample of your victim. The amount of activity is almost exactly the same."

Wenn moves closer to the screen and watches both samples intently.
"Almost... but not quite."
She enters a few keys on the keyboard and changes the lighting to the samples. Immediately the colour of both samples change. Left, Barry's sample, turns yellow. Right, the victims' sample turns a light blue/lila.

"The traces left in our victim are that of a speedster, but not Barry. Also, the unknown Speedsters' energy level is higher."

Barry looks at his friends. "Could this be Wells? You think he got out somehow?"

Caitlin pulls up a sample of Wells' blood. It lights up red, so no match.
Still, another speedster? How is that even possible? Barry is supposed to be the only one.

Suddenly Wendy freezes. She grabs Barry's arm and whispers, "Someone has just entered the building. A speedster."

"She is right."

The four of them turn towards the sound of the voice. It's a man, late 30's, well build. They slowly walk to the cortex.
Cisco reaches under his desk and grabs hold of his modified stun gun.

"My name is Jay Garrick, and you Barry Allen, are in danger."

Barry frowns, "And you are what? Here to warn me? Or... to kill me?"

Jay walks up to Barry, Cisco pulls out the gun, Wenn steps between Jay and Barry and puts a hand to his chest.

"Not a step closer." She warns him

Jay tilts his head. Is this girl serious? He's the second fastest man alive and she thinks she can stop him? He chuckles, he'll give her al little lesson.
He sets off only to find himself frozen on the spot.

"I told you not to get any closer." She grins

Jay looks at her with big eyes, "How'd...?!"

"She's magnetic. She can manipulate anything that emanates magnetic, kinetic and electric energy." Cisco informs him.

Jay blinks. He underestimated this bunch. They might be up to the task after all.
Barry walks around Jay. "So... you're a speedster. Where are you from? After I defeated the reverse Flash, I thought I was the only one. Now, there's this unknown speedster we just found evidence off and you. Care to explain, Mr. Garrick?"

Wenn releases him. The guy didn't try to fight against her, nor does he contain negative energy, so she guesses he must be a good guy. Just to be safe, she stay's on guard though.

"In this world, yes, you are the only speedster." Jay starts

Cisco frowns, "How many other worlds are there?"

"Infinite. And when you opened the singularity, you opened a portal to and from different worlds, dimensions and timelines. There is not telling who or... what came through and where they are all from, but I do know, the speedster you found evidence off? He's after you." He points at Barry.


"I wish I knew. But the guy is angry, and dangerous... Out of all speedsters, he's the fastest, strongest of them all. For a long time, I believed that to be you Barry. But I guess I was wrong." Jay tells him.

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