Chapter XXIV

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"I'll handle him! You get her the hell out of here!" Cisco calls to Barry.

"Wha..."  But before Caitlin can ask any questions, Barry grabs Wenn and Flashes them in to the Timevault. Knowing Eiling, he's probably thought of everything, so Flashing out of S.T.A.R. Labs is risky.
Caitlin trails after Cisco, "Cisco, what is going on?"

"General Eiling is on his way up." Cisco answers.

"Yes, but why does that upset Wenn so much?" Caitlin asks.

"In a nutshell, from what I pieced together, he held Wenn and what he did to her makes what he did to Bette Sans Soucis like a trip to Disneyland." Cisco tells her.

Caitlin is taken aback by that info.

"Okay, lets find out what he is doing here and then get rid of him. Lets hope Barry can calm Wendy down enough so that things stop floating. Or else Eiling will know whats up."

In the mean time Barry is trying to get Wenn to stop hyperventilating.

"Look at me, Wenn" No reaction.

He knows he will have to be a bit more forcefull and he doesn't like that. He sighs and grabs her arms. He turns her towards him, giving her a little shake, "Wendy!"

She blinks up at him. Her breathing slows down some, but she is still shaking like a leaf.
He then feels the tingling sensation that goes with Wenns powers.

"I wonder..." he whispers and concentrates on it. He feels energy flowing from her to him. It makes him feel anxious, but quickly realizes he is doing what she normally does, drain the negative energy from her.
Pretty soon her breath evens out and she is asleep.
Barry blows out his breath. He just got a taste of what she must have felt like. God, if that small taste made him feel anxious already, he can't even begin to imagine what she must have felt like.
He pulls her closer and presses a kiss to her temple. 

"I'm so sorry..."

Barry gently lays her down and walks over to the console that used to house Gideon.

"Please let the surveillance still work." He lays his hand on the console and the different surveillance camera's positioned in S.T.A.R. Labs pop up.
He sees Cisco and Caitlin approach the elevator and meet up with Eiling there.

"Well, well, well, look what slimed his way up here." Cisco sneers.

Eiling lets out a disdain snort, but ignores the remark. 

"Mr. Ramon, we have been measuring some unusual energy readings from S.T.A.R. Labs. Energy that looks a lot like one of my escaped... experiments."

Cisco's anger is rising to a boiling point after hearing that remark and just as he is about to go in to a rant about how these 'experiments' are people, Caitlin intervenes.

"General, you know we have a speedster here that can create an insane amount of energy, so you have to be more specific about the 'unusual' part."

Eiling sighs, clearly annoyed at being stonewalled, "Magnetic energy."

This time it's Cisco's turn to snort, "Man, the whole principle of particle seperation and this particle accelerator is based on magnetic energy. We've been using the Flash's energy to recharge the magnets built in to the pipeline. Keeping the Metahuman prison in the air takes a lot of energy from those puppies. Having a human charger comes in handy sometimes."

"Well then," Eiling says as he and his goons push past Caitlin and Cisco, "you don't mind if we take a look around then." 

Caitlin and Cisco share a look. Barry who sees all this unfolding on the surveillance feed, realizes there are still some things in the cortex that indicate Wenn's presence.
He phases out of the timevault and quickly rounds up Wenn's suit and other little things that might be linked to someone with magnetic powers.
He's done just in time. Instead of blowing past the crew entering the cortex (and indicating his presence), he again phases through one of the walls of one of the side chambers adjoining the cortex and heads back to the timevault.
Wenn is still asleep, thank god.

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