Chapter XXI

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Wenn looks at the guys, their silence is making her nervous.

"Uhm... Guys?"

Cisco is the first to snap out of it. He immediately goes over to her and starts messing with the sensors and devices built in to the suit.

"Barry?" Wenn tries to get his attention.

Barry blinks, tries to refocus, because damn she looks incredibly hot in that suit.

"Barry?" Wenn tries again.

Barry walks over and looks her over. "You look amazing." He whispers.

Wenn smiles. She checked herself in the mirror before she came out to show it to them, and yeah, she has to admit she did look pretty good in it!
She blushes a bit under all this attention, but it does feel kinda good as well.

"Well, it seems be all systems go! How does it feel?" Cisco asks.

Wenn walks around and does a few squats.

"It feels pretty good. It's like it heightens my sense and regulates the flow."

Cisco grins, "Wanna give it a spin?"

The three of them go to the basement. Cisco sets up a few targets and positions Wenn in front of them.
Wenn looks a bit puzzled.

"What do you want me to do?"

"The conductors in your suit can store energy and you can discharge a targeted magnetic pulse.... Pulse!!! That's gonna be your name!" Cisco bounces enthusiastically. 

Wenn smiles, "I don't know about that, I'm not a superhero!"

"Yet" Barry adds. "Why don't you try creating a pulse, Pulse?" Barry grins. Wenn shoves him playfully

"Alright, Flash. Better stand back."

Cisco and Barry take few steps back. Wenn flexes her hands and rolls her head. She closes her eyes and concentrates on the magnetic fields around her, emanating from the objects and people present. But her most important source is the Earths natural magnetic force, and she's just soaking it up. The suit really conducts the energy well and the friction it creates with her, the suit and unseen forces around her, causes lightning to spark off her, just like Barry when he runs.

Cisco grabs Barry by the arm, "Dude, are you seeing this?!"

Barry gasps, he's not just seeing it, he's feeling it. The power is building and damn she's strong!
He takes Cisco's arm and pulls him back even further.
At that moment Wenn opens her eyes and discharges a pulse in the direction of the targets.

She misses completely and the force sends her flying backwards. Barry speeds forward and catches her, breaking her fall.

"Oooff!" Wenn looks down at Barry and smiles sheepishly, "Sorry..."

Barry grins mischievously, "In another situation, I wouldn't mind having you on top of me."

Wenn grins back, "I bet."

"Riiiiight, if you lovebirds could please keep that in the bedroom and focus on the superpowers here." Cisco intervenes.

Barry and Wenn scramble to their feet. "Right, sorry."

They walk over to the targets (5 of them), to find them all scattered and shattered all over the place.

Wenn cringes and looks at the guys, "That was a bit too much." She rubs the back of her neck "I really need to learn how to control this."

Cisco snorts, "No kiddin', last time it was 'just' an apartment, but with those conductors and enough power, you could level an entire city block!"

Wenns eyes widen and she turns white as a sheet, "I....I... think this was a bad idea, I'd better get out of this thing." And she scurry's out of the basement.

"Wenn... Wendy, come..." Barry starts, but she's already gone. Barry turns to Cisco, "Dude, really? She was just getting her confidence back, just starting to put everything behind her. She's terrified of hurting people with her powers."

"I'm, I'm sorry Barry. I just got so excited! But this is just one session, I'm sure she'll get a handle on it, she won't hurt people, she'll get it!"

Barry sighs, " I know, but...thats the thing. She did hurt someone with her powers. It was an accident, but it's been haunting her ever since."

Cisco blinks, if anyone, he can relate to that. He hasn't hurt anyone, but he's terrified of finding out more about his powers. What if he could hurt someone with them. What if he turns evil. He shakes it off and turns back to Barry.

"We have to talk to her."

Cisco and Barry return to the cortex to find Wenns suit back on the mannequin, but she is nowhere to be seen.

"I'll check her apartment." And Barry speeds out of S.T.A.R Labs.

Cisco sighs and wanders down to the pipeline. He rounds the corner and sees Wenns form sitting in the corner. Knees pulled to her chest, resting her head on them. He can see by the shakes of her body she' crying.
He walks over and crouches in front of her.

"Wenn... I... I'm sorry."

"Just leave me alone, Cisco. It's best people stay far away from me!" Wenn stammers between sobs.

"No." Cisco puts his hands on hers. He gets a jolt and suddenly he's in the badlands. Wenn is expertly throwing around pulses and nailing every target. There is just something about her. She's... older?

"Cisco?! Cisco are you okay?!" Wenn shakes him.

Cisco blinks, "Yeah, yeah I am. Sorry, I must have zoned out."

Wenn let's out a breath, "Good, I was afraid I'd hurt you."

Cisco puts her hands on hers again. Nothing happens this time. "You won't hurt me. Or anyone ever again. Not accidentally anyways. I mean, you can go all savage on this Zoom guys ass or any other evil Meta that we come across. But with some training, you'll get a handle on it. You already have a very good handle on it! You just need to find a balance in the discharges. Thats why we train contained."

Wenn sniffles and wipes her nose. "Barry... He... He told you?"

"Just that you accidentally hurt someone. He didn't go in to detail, and I don't need to know. I know you and I know you wouldn't purposely hurt an innocent person. Heck, like Barry, you probably won't even hurt a bad guy unless there was no other way." Cisco tries to get through to her.

Wenn looks at him, big green eyes. Sad, filled with hurt.

"Plus, that power of yours is friggen awesome!"

That elects a small smile from her.

"Ah! There it is!" Cisco smiles at her, then turns more serious. "I know... how scary it is to find out you have powers. And the uncertainty that comes with it. Barry jumped in, no doubt, knowing almost instinctively how to use his powers and how he would use it. Me? I'm still terrified I will turn in to this super villain if I let out these powers."

Wenn tilts her head, "You are a good person, Cisco. And like Barry, you want to help people. You won't turn bad Cisco. There isn't a bad bone in your body!"

Cisco chuckles and they sit in silence for a while.

Wenn is the one who breaks it, "I'll make you a deal. You help me get a better handle on my powers and I'll help you get to the bottom of yours. How does that sound?"

Cisco mulls it over. He knows she's right. Maybe they both need to take their own advice and take the plunge. He looks up at Wenn and sticks out his hand.

"Alright, you got a deal!"

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