Chapter XIII

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"Stay here." Barry orders Jay.

"It's not like I have anywhere else to go, but I would rather go with you. Zoom is dangerous. I don't want him to get his claws on you." Jay answers.

"Zoom?" Cisco asks, a bit miffed that this guy obviously stole his 'name the meta' routine.

Jay nods, "That is what we call him. He's so fast, he just... Zooms by I guess."

"I don't know if I can just let you come to an active crimescene." Barry tells Jay.
Joe would understand once he explains it, but if Joe is there, so is Patty. She will have questions.

"Barry, you of all people should know that superspeed makes you almost invisible to the human eye. They won't notice I am there, I swear."

Barry reluctantly agrees. He makes a quick trip to CCPD to pick up his forensic kit and then picks up Jay and Wenn.
It feels a bit weird to have someone running at the same speed, but Barry is also intrigued by this speedster. It looks like he does have Barry's best interest at heart. Then again, so did Harrison Wells which turned out to be solely for his own benefit.
They arrive at the crimescene and true to his word, Jay 'disappears'.

Joe sees them and walks up. "A young teacher, Andrew Rye, early twenties. It looks like his bike wheel got caught in the grate over there and was torpedoed of his bike, slamming head first in to this wall."

Wenn and Barry share a look. Maybe this murder is totally unrelated. But they silently agree to research every aspect of the murder to make sure it is.

After collecting every scrap of evidence they can find and taking pictures of every angle possible, they meet up with Jay.

"This murder looks to be totally unrelated. We'll have to make sure, but the poor guy was torpedoed off his bike after his wheel got stuck in a grate. It happens with those sports bikes with the ridiculously slim tires." Barry informs Jay.

Jay grabs inside his pocket and takes out a small device. No bigger than a small smartphone.

"Scan your evidence and your victim with this. It detects the speedforce." He turns on the device and mentions for Wendy to stand beside him.
Wenn looks at the device as Jay points it at Barry. Waves of light yellow energy emanate off Barry, like he is on fire.

"Cool!! THAT is what I feel! The waves of energy coming off of him, and you." She takes the device from him and walks over to Barry. She points the device at Jay. The same waves of energy are emanating off Jay. The colour is slightly more to the orange side though.
Barry takes the device from Wenn.

"That IS really cool!" He looks up at Jay, "You make this?"

"Actually... You did." He tells Barry.

Barry frowns, "Me?" He chuckles, "Cisco is the toy making man, not me."

"Barry Allen, you are a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for. All your life you were focused on only one thing; Forensic Science. You needed to, so you could clear your dad. The Barry Allen I have worked with for all these years grew up with both parents, he was able to focus on a lot more than that. If you set your mind to it, you and Cisco combined could make amazing things."

Barry smiles, "That would be awesome."

"The Barry you worked with, where is he now? Is he also in our world now?" Wenn asks Jay.

A solemn look appears on Jays face. He swallows.

"He, uhm... he sacrificed himself in order to save the universe. It's too complicated to get in to the details right now, but you, he needed to contain an anti-matter energy core or the universe and all it's earths would be destroyed." Jay swallows again.

"What happened?" Barry asks softly. Clearly Jay and other world Barry were close.

"He ran so fast, faster than at least 10 times the speed of light. His... His body couldn't handle that speed and literally turned to dust..." He reaches in to his pocket and pulls out something. He hands it to Barry. It is a ring with a Flash symbol on it.

"This was all that was left of him. Put it on." Jay tells Barry.

Barry puts on the ring. It feels... It vibrates or... He can't put his finger on it, but he feels like he is connected to it.

"Open it and run forward." Jay says.

Barry blinks. "How... do I open it."

"You'll know." He takes Wenn by the arm and pulls her back a bit.

Barry holds out the hand that bears the ring. Nothing happens. He looks at it and sighs, twirling the ring around a couple of times.

"Change frequency," Wenn tells him, "The ring is on a different frequency."

Barry holds out his hand again and slightly vibrates. Suddenly something shoots out of the ring and Barry Flashes towards it. He looks down upon himself. He's wearing a suit. Exactly like the one in the future newspaper, bright red with yellow and a white emblem. He turns to Jay and Wenn.


Jay shrugs, "I am still amazed at what he could do. Like I said, Barry Allen is the fastest and strongest of all speedsters. That is until Zoom came along."

Wenn walks over to Barry and slides her hand over his arm. Barry shivers, he knows she is just feeling the texture of the suit, but still, her touch does things to him.

"It's so smooth... It also enhances your force."

"Barry once told me that the ring and suit are connected to the speedforce, that is why you fit it. You are a bit less... buff than he was, but it adjusts itself to your physical state." Jay says.

Barry snorts, him? Buff? Not in a million years will that happen! He does feel stronger with the suit on though. Like it enhances his powers. It almost feels like a second skin.

"Cisco will blow a fuse when he sees this!" Wenn exclaims enthusiastically. "We have to show him!"

Barry taps in to the rings frequency again and quickly whirls around. He's in his normal clothes again. He hands the ring back to Jay. Jay holds up his hands and shakes his head. "It's yours. Something tells me we will need it's features once we go up against Zoom."

Barry puts the ring in his pocket and picks up Wenn.

"First things first. Lets see if Zoom had anything to do with this murder."

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