Chapter V

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Barry Flashes them to S.T.A.R. Labs.

Right before they enter the building Wenn feels something. She looks around the parking lot, but doesn't see anything.

"Are you okay?" Barry asks

Wenn frowns and tries to 'feel' for it again. But all she feels is Barry's energy field.

"Yeah...Yeah." She turns her attention back to Barry and smiles at him.
"Your Superspeed knocked me off my feet." She winks

Barry chuckles, "Lets get inside"

Outside a figure is hidden in the shadows.

"The Flash? How is that possible? Gideon, tell me again, when did Barry Allen become the Flash?"

A hologram pops out of a device in his glove, "You know this sir."
"My memory isn't... Just tell me Gideon!" The man snaps at the hologram.

"Barry Allen, doused in chemicals after his lab was struck by lightning on 25 of July 2024. The accident gave him the ability to run faster than the speed of light."

"I didn't run back far enough, damned Gideon, you told me this was 2015!" The mysterious figure sneers.

"Affirmative Director. The current date is 9th of September 2015." The hologram tells him.

Frustrated, the man punches a nearby tree.
"This could be a problem."

He looks over at the building.
"I'll deal with it later. He was already the last one on my list anyway. I'll figure it out on the go. Until then, did you find her Gideon?"

"Yes sir. Andrea Michaels, 132 Pine Street, Central City." Gideon answers.

"Thank you Gideon." He ends the 'call'. 

"Time to cross another one off the list."
There is a Flash of blue and the man is gone.    

Inside S.T.A.R. Labs Caitlin is running test on Wenn and making sure her ribs and wounds are healing well.

Wenn is staring in to nothing. Caitlin nudges her.
"You okay?"
Wenn snaps out of her trance. "Hmm? Oh yes, I... it was probably nothing."
Caitlin raises an eyebrow.

"You sure?"

Wenn sighs. "When we came here I felt something. It was like there was a disturbance in Barry's energy field."
She looks up at Caitlin. "I'm very tired though. I might be glitching."
"Glitching?" Caitlin asks.

Wenn laughs, "Yes, when I am tired I'm not always in control of my powers. Nothing major happens, but it's still annoying when there is suddenly a spoon stuck to ya. And my 'force' kinda bails one me, so like I said, probably nothing"

Caitlin still looks a bit wary, "If you say so..."

"So doc, how is she doing?" Barry walks in to the ward.

"Surprisingly well. She doesn't have your super healing, but she does heal faster than the normal human. A day, maybe two and she'll be as good as new!" Caitlin informs him.

"Great!" Barry smiles, "You ready to go home?" He asks Wenn

Wenn hops off the table an winces "Ow, that was a bit too enthusiastically. But yes, I am"
She turns to Caitlin, "Thanks again for your care."

"You are welcome! I do have a question though..." Caitlin asks
Wenn nods, "Sure."
"Well," Caitlins continues "Do you mind coming back here a couple of time so we could study your powers? I'm really curious how you work, especially in relation to Barry's powers."

Wenn looks at Barry, not to sure of this.
Barry picks up on her discomfort, "If you are not comfortable with it, we won't do it."
Wenn looks back at Caitlin, "There... are still things I would like to know myself. I also think I'm nowhere near my full capability. Maybe you could help with that?"

Caitlin smiles, "Sounds like a plan! And if you find you don't want to do it, even after we already started, just say so and we'll stop."

Cisco, who's been busy in the back of the lab, snorts his slushy through his nose.
"Caitlin, there has got to be a better way to phrase that."

Caitlin glares at him. Barry and Wenn burst in to laughter.
Cisco pouts, "Well, I'm just sayin'"

Barry looks at Wenn and notices how tired she looks.
"Since your check up is complete, I'd better get you home and in bed."
His eyes go wide. He looks at Cisco and Caitlin, Cisco grins, Caitlin looks shocked.

"That... That is not what I meant!" He stammers, cheeks turning almost as crimson as his suit.
"I mean she needs to rest and not..." Wenn walks over to him, snickering.
"Just stop digging a deeper hole, and get me home." She wiggles her eyebrows and winks at Cisco and Caitlin.

"Right" Barry picks her up and Flashes them out of there.

The Flash: RepentanceOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant