chapter 19

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I hated lying and I hated liars. I'd done my fair share in the past few months, but I was over it.

I thought we were turning over a new leaf one that didn't involve us doing this to one another or anyone else for that matter. What was so wrong that he had to resort to lying to me of all people? That's when the unwanted thoughts that plagued my mind ever so often start to resurface. The ones that imagined him wanting to get back with Barbara.

He said he loved me. He said I shouldn't doubt his feelings for me. He said he wanted a family, but right now it all just felt like a lie.

But why?

"You should try calling him." Trevor suggests.

"I don't want you getting too worked up over this not when it's not something to stress over" Not something to stress over? He'd lied to me and that hurt more than just about anything. I couldn't help, but to stress.

"Let me just get my phone." I walk over towards the sofa. Grabbing my phone I then turn to face my mom. The movie's over and she looks as if she has no clue what to do next "Mom if you want you can go to a room and get some sleep. I don't wanna keep you up."

"Are you sure? Because if you need any help" She must have been listening. I almost chuckle even though my emotions are screaming to do the complete opposite.

"I'm sure go get some sleep." I give her a chaste kiss on the cheek and walk back over to Trevor whose attention was on his own phone at the moment.

"What didn't want mom witnessing you catch Justin in a lie? Don't think I didn't see that." He chuckles lowly and stows away his phone in his back pocket. I shoot him a death glare.

"It was a joke. Maybe he had a good reason for lying. Maybe he's surprising you with something" He states as if that made it any better. I disregard his statement and unlock my phone, going to my recent calls I tap on Justin's name. It starts to ring and with every second that passed my heart rate multiplied by ten.

What would I say?

"Babe" He answers the phone. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I was just calling to see if you'd be coming home soon. I miss you." Not why I called, but not completely untrue I did miss him and it was such a shame I was calling under these circumstances

"I'll probably have a few more drinks with Trevor and I'll be there after. I miss you too baby." My heart sinks and now all of a sudden I was feeling bad. Here Justin was lying to me and I was the one feeling like I'd betrayed him. Why? Maybe he did have his reasons for lying. No! No one had reasons for lying. Why couldn't he just be honest with me.

Why couldn't everyone just be honest?

"Oh well tell him I said hi and I guess I'll see you whenever you get here." I murmur. I don't even wait for his response before touching the end button. Curling up in a corner and crying didn't sound too bad right now.

"What'd he say?"
"He still says he's with you."

"Look I'm really sorry. I've gotta run but please don't stress about it and just talk it out. I can't have my two of my favorite people breaking up–again." He shoots me a small smile before walking up the stairs to the elevator.

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