chapter 5

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I hear Barbara clear her throat and I turn my head "Naomi is it?" Barbara addresses me as she strides over to me.

I swallow loudly as I nod my head.

"Finally a good look at the gold digging whore that's been keeping my Justin occupied at work."


"That hurt." I say swallowing the lump forming fast in my throat. I wasn't going to cry. I really wasn't.

"Well it's true isn't it? You're using him. You make it hard for women like me to keep men because once they get a taste of trash there's just no going back" She chuckles

"I'm sorry you feel that way." I swallow again, suddenly my throat's dry, "But if it's any consolation Justin and I are over. He ended it, he obviously wants to be with you." I advert my gaze elsewhere trying to avoid her death glare. It all made sense.. her and Justin were one in the same. She sighs and I can tell from the sigh that this had been heavy on her mind for a while and then I wonder, how long has she known?

"I just can't believe that it's true." She puts her hand on her head as if she's going to faint "I mean this indiscretion should be unforgiveable, yet I can't stop thinking about how I still want him. Love him in fact." I look back up and she's still glaring at me. I look away again, but continue to talk

"I'm so so sorry. I never meant for any of this to happen. I really didn't. I'll do anything you want me to just..." I heave a sigh, "Just don't call off the engagement." And then the sound of my bickering subconscious makes her self known tapping her foot with her arms crossed with an unhappy look playing on her face. I knew why she was pissed. I was a mad woman for pleading with Barbara when I still wanted Justin. I was in love with him, but then again so was she.


"Quit!? As in stop working for Justin?"

"Is there another definiton for quit? Of course quit as in I want you to stop working for Justin." I couldn't do that.

Not because I wanted—no needed to be around Justin, but because I had no other work lined up.

Me and my big mouth!

It never failed me. "Stop working for Justin and I won't call off the engagement. I clearly love him and you clearly don't. It should be easy." She states, though she couldn't be any more wrong. I loved him with my entire being.

"If I just up and quit, don't you think he'll know something is wrong?"

"Doesn't matter if he knows something's wrong, I just want you gone." Her tone tells me she means business

I advert my gaze once more contemplating, but it doesn't take me long to realize the faster I did what she wanted and did what was right, the faster I could get over Justin and move on.

"Consider it done." I finally say before brushing past her and exiting the restroom in a rush

When I re-enter the ballroom my eyes sting with tears, but I try my hardest to not let them fall. I find Trevor and Justin over by the bar conversating. I walk over and whisper in Trevor's ear without even giving Justin a glance. I can't look at him. It would hurt too much right now. I ask Trevor if he could take me home; my excuse being that I'm not feeling well anymore. He nods and once he's said his goodbyes, we're out the door.

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