Chapter 9

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"Elliot. . . Elliot!" A voice sang as I was violently shaken back and forth, a lump of bile slowly making its way up my throat as I was abruptly pulled out of my flashback. Already knowing who was shaking me,  I raised my hands and firmly cupped  Marley's cheeks, causing her to stop. 

"I'm good. . . I'm good. . . Please stop shaking me", I slowly breathed out while trying to stop my world from spinning. Once I regained my composure, I looked into Marley's hazel colored eyes, which was filled with worry and a bit of relief.

The pain and memories of what had happened with Blaez and his men soon came back to me and I quickly spun around, afraid that they were right behind me, waiting to continue what they left off. "They left after you got your panic attack. They're not here", she tried to say but my eyes still searched searched for them, still fearful. But she was right. There wasn't much people outside except for a few pack members by the fire. 

"They're gone Elly. Its okay", she placed her arms on my shoulders and spun me around to face her. Using her thumb, she wiped the tears that I didn't realize were falling and then pulled me into her chest for a tight- a little too tight hug. After a while of not being able to breathe I awkwardly patted her back, hoping that she'll let me go. 

She didn't.

"Marley. . . can't breathe. . . boobs. . . let go", I choked, patting her harder. "Oh shoot, sorry", she quickly replied, letting me go. Unfortunately, after taking a few precious deep breaths, she pulled me in again.

"R-really Marley?"

"You okay kid?" 

I looked up at her and saw that she was looking down at me, her eyes full of worry. I slowly nodded and tried to move away from her, but she tightened her grip. "You looked like you had another panic attack."

I stayed silent. 

"What did you see this time?" My body stiffened as the memory of the recent flashback played back in my head, repeating the horrible memories of my parent's death, threatening me to slip back into it. "N-nothing I'm fine. . . I just got a little dizzy that's all", I mumbled. It didn't look like my answer satisfied her and I was about to change the subject when she huffed at me, shooting me a scary glare.

"Dizzy? You were in a daze and trembling like a crazy person! and what did I tell you about lying to me?" she scolded. I let out a long groan and tried to glare back at her. But failed.

"Urgh! y-you can be such a mother at times!!" I groaned. Her mouth flew open and she folded her hands on her chest. "Why do you always label me as so old!" She yelled the first part, then whisper-yelled the last three words when people started looking.

"B-because you are so old", I whisper-yelled back.

"I look old enough to be your sister", she proclaimed truthfully.

"Your ninety nine Marley. You're old enough to be my grandmother!" 

"Fine! whatever!" she waved her hands in the air in defeat, causing me to giggle. Slightly.

Her playful glare suddenly turned into a warm smile and I tilted my head in confusion at her sudden change in emotion. "It warms my heart to see you smile like that. It feels like it's been forever since I've seen it", she said with a grin and heat slowly rose to my cheeks as I nodded.

I was always thankful that I had Marley. She could always make me smile, even if I didn't want to. She would always try to protect me and keep me safe, just like a mother would. If I didn't have her with me, I don't know where I'd be. "Okay! lets go inside. Its getting kinda cold out here", she suddenly said cheerfully while skipping and dragging me towards the Omegas' pack house.

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