Chapter 30

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Deimos' POV

'Monster! Stay back!'

'Why won't you die you demon!'

'Stop! Stop it! Leave us alone!'

'Are you going to kill me too? Like all the others?'

'You deserve to die.'

'Your life means nothing.'

'You don't deserve to live so long.'

'You may never have a Mate.'

'You don't deserve a mate.'

'You don't have a second half. Nothing is as evil as you.'

'You'll never bear the mark of a Mate.'

'You're just a killer.'





I pulled myself back to reality and slowly looked up at the voice, dousing my third cigarette into the snow and reaching for my fourth. "Thaddeus." I simply responded, reaching for my lighter. I quickly brought its flame to life and placed the cigar under the flickering light. Once lit, I brought the cigar to my lips and took a long, deep pull of the thick smoke within. I exhaled, breathing the smoke out through my mouth in one deep sigh.

He took a deep breath, then plopped down right next to me.

I immediately hardened my gaze at him. "You forget your place, Thaddeus", I warned him of his closeness by baring my teeth at him ever so slightly. He seemed totally unaffected however, staring intently at my neck. "Sorry. I just had to see the Mark up close." He leaned in closer, and I felt Erebus go on edge. He was too close for comfort.

"Wow! It hasn't healed at all! Hey big brother? Is it sore? Does it hurt alot? Does it tingle?" I didn't respond to his barrage of questions. I simply took another drag of my cigar, then blew it out past my lips and into the air, where it dispersed into the atmosphere.

"Do you think it will heal?"

I gave no answer.

"What will it do now? Do you feel any different?"



"Don't call me by that name. I am not your friend. And do not call me 'big brother.' None of us are related. We are not family." I sent him a stare that made him raise his hands in surrender and quickly leave my personal space. He walked over to the tree next to me and leaned against it, staring upwards towards the sky for some reason. Seeing that he no longer bothered me, I found myself drifting back into my dark memories. I shook my head, I shouldn't let my guard down in front of him. Instead of losing myself in my mind, I decided to take a look at my surroundings. It was a little colder than were we had been journeying from before. I looked around at the trees that seemed much older than the trees we had seen from before, a couple hundred more years to be exact. We were in untouched territories. Snow and ice covered everything in a thick blanket of white. I turned to Thaddeus. Why did he bring us here?

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