Chapter 39

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. . .For the Goddess of Creation is an invisible force, like the string that supports the heavens, like the tug of the earth that holds everything to the ground. 

That which is, that which isn't, that which hasn't been and that which will be; that is who she is. She is the ground from which the seed is planted, and from which the tree will fall and die. She is infinity, an existence with no beginning or end. 

She is the womb that birthed Adaris, Goddess of Light, who indirectly created Odreus, God of darkness. 

For shame, that God and Goddess! For they banished their Mother, combining light and darkness, and sealing her in the realm of nonexistence.

 Χάος, The Great Mother, Goddess of Creation, Goddess of the Skyy (heavens of the heavens), banished for eternity by her own children.

- A passage form the holy book Electi (The Chosen). 

I should of known.

Even after all that I saw, all that I experienced, I was still too naive.

When mother woke up from her comatose state, she didn't run off to find Deimos, she ran off in search of food, enough food to feed all of her Vulcans, her children, and herself. When she sent me to kill Marley, it was not just for that reason. She must of known that the Elders would of put up a resistance, as well as some of the other pack members.

She was very vulnerable at that time. She must of sent me to kill the strong wolves in the pack, so that she could prey on the weak ones.

But she changed her mind for some reason.

Was it because of Thaddeus? Was it Deimos? I wasn't sure. She simply changed her mind, and chose a different hunting ground. When I got blown up by Gray, she came to get me, so that we could all go somewhere where we could feed. She had us running in all directions because she was searching for somewhere else with a large number of organisms. She chose to piggyback me because she wasn't strong enough to run for that long.  After a while, she found what she was looking for. 

A village filled with meat. Animal meat, human meat. . . werewolf meat.

The perfect hunting ground.

I'm not sure if mother knew that those werewolves would know and worship her, but if she did, I don't think it would of mattered.

It wouldn't of been the first time that she's eaten her followers. 

"Nom, nom, nom, nom!" Mother giggled, looking at everyone. My initial surprise was now gone, because everything now fell into place. Now I knew why mother did all of this. Why she ate and laughed with the werewolves. Why she played around with me and the girls.

She was literally, 'Playing with her food.'

"Nom, nom. . ." She grinned at me, then looked down at the girls. Lola's eyes widened and she pulled her sister behind her.

Then she looked up at me.

"Anyways, shall we eat?" Mother smiled, then turned to the crowd.

"We. . ."

Mother blinked, then turned to the person that spoke. "We. . . did so much for you." The wolf's shoulders shook, and his eyes narrowed.  "We give you shelter. We fed you all. Talked, laughed, sang with you. And yet. . ."

"Oh, I know. I really enjoyed myself. I really had a blast-"


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