Chapter 28

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Skyy's POV

Oh! it's been so long since I've had a meal. I've been asleep for so long. I missed this so much.


Luscious, metallic, copper tasting blood! It was so good. So, so good!

I sunk my fangs deeper and deeper into Mr Blaez's throat as his body spasmed and shook under my hold. I moaned over and over with each gulp. I was so hungry! I can't believe I held back for so long. When I saw Blaez, All I wanted to do was to rush over to him and sink my teeth far into his neck. I didn't do it, however, because I really needed the information that I had surely lost since I was asleep for about fifty years or so. I felt my body shake in bliss as another mouthful of his beautiful blood filled my stomach. Ah, this is the life!


I ripped my fangs out of Blaez's neck and spun around to face the voice. "Aria!" I grinned, dropping Blaez's limp body to the ground. I got up and quickly ran towards her, stopping next to her tall frame. "Aria! I've got good news!" I started, but was interrupted when she quickly spoke.

"Mother! Why do you always run so far away from us! You've just woken up after being asleep for long! You're still way too weak to be running off on your own." Her face was slightly stern as scolded me. "I'm not that weak anymore Aria. Look. see?" I waved my hands around excitingly. "And you guys could catch up easily! I'm not that fast. Anyways, guess what?" I asked with the same excited expression. She still looked mad at me and I groaned. "Come on! Guess!" I whined. She looked me over for a second before rolling her silver orbs at me.


I squealed excitedly, making her smile immediately. Aria was the kindest of all of my cursed children, and was the one person who held the most concern for my well being. Her long black hair fell slightly below her waist, and her pale, yet beautiful face was tainted with only one black piercing in each ear. Her silver orbs were always watchful and calculative and she always wore a kind smile that never left her face for too long.

She was kind, yes. But, the moment you crossed her or even worse, crossed me. . . bad things happened.

"Aah! That's why you're my favourite daugter! Oh, don't tell Iris I said that." I grinned at her and she smiled down at me, before her eyes snapped towards the direction in which she came, where a figure suddenly slipped into the clearing. I grinned as I recognized the person, and I heard Aria sigh in relief. "Xavier! You found me too!" I moved away from Aria to go greet my youngest son. "We all found you, but your so called 'daughter' over there", he glared in Aria's direction. ". . .thought that your safety was much more important than the lives of the rest of us children, and the thousands of Vulcans that began to lose control, because their. . . Queen was no where to be found", he grumbled the last parts harshly and I winced at his tone. Vulcans were completely mindless, and could only operate under my control. If I died, or moved too far away from them, they would lose control. . .

Oh right, I forgot about the whole 'lose control' thing.

"We all had to take control of their minds and guide them here. Thankfully, only a couple of them lost control. I still don't understand how you can control all of those things yourself. It was pretty damn difficult for all of us to control them, let alone you, mother. No offence."

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