Chapter 35.5

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Feral (adjective): An animal in a wild state, especially after escape from captivity or domestication. 

Octavia's POV

His face changed from confused to surprised, then all emotion left his face. I cocked my head to the side, trying to figure out what was on this Cursed wolf's mind. His closeness made an excitement race through me, but I knew that now wasn't the time to let my Matebond get the better of me.

So I resisted the urge to claim my Mate.

"So. . . are you going to answer me?" I aimed my claws to his neck, causing his silver eyes to look directly at me. "Don't threaten me Octavia."

I was thinking about torturing him by slashing at the extremely sensitive Matebond, but I didn't know what would happen if I did. So I simply did it to intimidate him.

"Well then, answer the question."

He gritted his teeth before looking away. "There is nothing to say."

I stared down at his form coldly.

Why won't he just answer me?

The instinctive side of me wanted to force the truth out of him using my dominance, but I decided to remain humane to him. I wanted to at least give him a chance to explain what was happening, so that I could get a full grasp on the situation.

However, if push came to shove, I would not hesitate to show him the full extent of my power.

He wasn't even in the shape to fight back at his full potential. I sensed many mental, spiritual, and even physical problems with the Cursed Wolf.  He looked okay on the outside, but it was as if he was crumbling on the inside.

Almost every part of him was changing. 

And this may have also been responsible for Erebus' disappearance.

"Just answer my question, Deimos", I growled. I needed to know if my other half was alive. The Matebond needed reassurance. "And what if I don't?" His question made me snarl almost instantly. Who did he think he was?

A Cursed wolf, practically god-like, etc etc, my mind retorted.

 "Like I said wolf, There is nothing to say. What happens between my wolf and I is simply none of your business." His voice had gotten darker, and his words seemed a little harsher than usual. What was he trying so hard to hide?

I had no time for this.

 I tapped his neck impatiently with my claws.

"You see those marks on your neck? Those things there, represent the control I have over you. They represent the fact that you are mine, and that whatever happens to you, is my business."

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