Chapter 64

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Elliot's POV, 

During the Molassie Devil incident.

The Void.

"Flame guy, how long have you lived here?"

"I have existed here for a long time. However, time here is not the same as time in your reality-"

" Are you just a flame? Or do you have another form?"

"I appear differently to everyone. Some people don't see me at all."

"What are you then?"

"As you are right now, you won't be able to comprehend exactly what I am."

". . . How long have I been in here?"

"Like I said earlier, time functions differently here than in your world."

"Oh, right. Do you-"

"Please leave talking to a minimum and focus on the pathway ahead. We've almost arrived to our destination." 

I sighed, before looking around. "We've almost arrived?" I asked, watching the pathway that still stretched out for what looked like miles.


"Flame guy?"

The flame grew larger.

"That is not my name."

"So what is your name?"

"Your language cannot comprehend-"

"Then I'll just call you flame guy."

No response.

"Flame guy?"

". . . What is it?"

"Where is my real body?"

The orb of flame slowed down, and seemed to turn towards me. ". . . So you can tell that you're in your Spiritual form?"

"Yup, I've done something like this before with my mentors."

I heard a hum, and the orb resumed its movements.

"Your body is still where you left it, in reality."

I nodded in understanding, then looked down at my hands. They flickered for a second, like a flickering flame, before going back to normal.

"I feel weird."

The orb stopped once again. "That may be because you're still connected to reality. The negative energy from this realm is being sent to your body and overloading it."

"Is that bad?"

"I suppose. Your physical form is now possessed by that energy, and will erode everything around it before finally falling apart."

My mouth dropped open.


"However, like I said earlier, time flows differently here-"

"I'll die?!"

"If you linger too long on the path. . .  like you're doing right now."

I took a deep breath, then hurried down the path. "I'm glad that your enthusiasm's back, Eternal child."

I sent the flame a glare, before proceeding to race down the path.

Hours seemed to pass, and yet,  it felt like I had gotten nowhere. The path still snaked its way through the darkness and still didn't seem to have an end. "Flame!" I exclaimed in frustration. "How much further?"

"We're almost-"

"You've said that an hour ago!"

The burning orb didn't reply. 

"Fine! I'll keep walking. . . but only for an hour!"

"As you wish, Eternal child."

"As you wish Eternal child", I mocked him, before continuing along the path-

Then I stopped.

The orb stopped moving as I silently stared at the darkness outside of the path. "Eternal child?"

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