Chapter 38.5

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We all just stared at her.

The Golden wolves were freaking out, but us siblings simply stared.

"What's. . . what's with that look?! Didn't you hear what I said?! I'll kill this little girl. . . And I mean it! I'll kill-"

We couldn't take it anymore.

All at once, we started laughing.

Xavier spat out his drink and almost fell off his chair. Cronus threw his head back and let out a hearty laugh. I covered my face and laughed into my hands.

Aria. . . looked worried.


"Hey! At least show her some respect! She made it this far after all. Very admirable. . . for a human", mother spoke with a grin. "Plus. . ."

"If this girl had stabbed me in the head with such a concentrated Silver C blade, I may have been out for hours, maybe even days. . . and we don't have that kind of time. It's a shame that none of you even felt her presence this whole time. . . She was here since the feast began, you know. . . "  

Mother's voice wiped the smile from my lips. She wasn't happy at all.

"Sorry", we all muttered at once. The moment our apologies left our  "Don't worry, don't worry! Nothing happened anyway. Now then-"

"S-stop talking little girl!"

The girl behind mother pulled her blade closer to mother's neck, and we all held our breath, not in fear of mother being stabbed;

But in fear of mother's current facial expression.

"N-none of you move! Or I'll kill her-"

"Little. . . girl?" Mother asked lowly, and I swallowed. In an instant, the girl's blade was struck out of her hands, and was now lodged in the ceiling. Mother's hands moved so fast that I didn't even see when it happened. "Do I really look like a little girl?" Mother turned around and looked at the girl who held her hostage. Then she placed her hands on the shoulders of the now scared child.

Then she grinned.

"Did you hear that children? I really do look like a little girl! Ah, thank you so much! You know, you're a cute little girl too! I really like cute things! Like the name Skky! Do you like the name? It sounds cute doesn't it! Ah, I'm rambling, I'm rambling!" Mother was grinning like a mad woman, patting the little girl on her head and turning to us with her freakishly large smile.

Mother really enjoyed being complimented. Almost as much as she enjoyed blood.


I turned to mother immediately as soon as she called my name. "Keep this girl with you. She shall not die here. . . unless I say so. She's just too cute!" Mother held on the girl's hands and pulled her to me. "Okay. . . cool. Do what you-"

Wait. . . what?!

"What? We're keeping her alive?!" I asked in surprise. Why bother keeping her alive? "She almost harmed you! Why don't you just kill her or something? And why me?" I continued, but mother simply waved me off. "Don't worry, don't worry. It'll all come to pass in the end."

"That makes no sense, mother."

"It wasn't supposed to. Not yet anyways. Now, take Lola and wait for the others to find Lily. I'll be right back. Gotta take a little potty break!"


The girl with the blade suddenly shouted. "Lily. . . what do you mean by 'wait until the others find Lily?' That's. . . my sister's name. S-she had nothing to do with this! We came back from a-" Before she could complete her sentence, the hall's doors opened, and three werewolves entered the room, one carrying a screaming little girl over his shoulder. Lola's lips wobbled and she rushed forward towards the three wolves. "Lily! Lily! Let her go! Please!" Lola cried. She tried to grab one the wolves, but he simply smacked her out of his way.

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