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Alright before we get started I just want to say hi! I've gotten the attention of more people with this book which means so much! Thank you for commenting and voting. If you make a cover or something then email it to

I know I started the plot of this story pretty fast, but I like to get these things going. Then I can get closer to the fun stuff ;)

And PLEASE help! What is that girl in the picture I attached to this chapter's name? I want to make her officially the character of Aubrey.

Bye and stay wonderful,



I'm currently sitting on the couch, eating plain potato chips, and drinking a Dr.Pepper. I open up Netflix and find the most cliche love movie I can. Those always get my mind off of everything and make me feel like I'm in a relationship, too. Pitiful, I know.

I am just about to choose one when my phone makes a little chime noise. I look down at it and it's just Avril.

Avy: I really need to find a new wardrobe to look pretty for Jacob :(

Me: What's that supposed to mean...

Avy: I'm sure you know

Me: Nooo

Avy: YES

Me: zzzzzz

Avy: I'll be there to pick you up in an hour.

"Uuhhhh. Boy crazyyyy. " I groan out loud.

Suddenly I think of Parker earlier today when he was helping me out. I never noticed all of the little freckles that speckled his nose and cheeks. They're kind of cute.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

This isn't happening.

Maybe shopping is a good idea.


"What about this one?" Avril frowns, looking at this huge blue PINK sweatshirt for what seems like the bazillionth time,"It'll bring out my eyes. But it may flush me out. "

"Just get it. " I beg her. "I'm going to get it if you don't. Then you'll regret not getting it every single time I wear it. "

"Fine. Ok. " She throws it into the shopping cart."Why don't you get yourself something? You deserve a little something here and there, even if you are a bitch sometimes. "

"Whatever!" I laugh. "Anyways, how did you even get all of this money?"

She looks at me with a worried look on her face before saying,"Parker. I wanted new clothes and I knew Parker had a lot of money so I asked him for some. He told me yes, but I had to make you get some stuff to make you look even more beautiful. "

"He said I was beautiful?" I ask quietly.

"Yeah. Why do you care? You hate the guy. "

"Yeah. I do. " I bite my lip, but it's no use. I turn my back to Avril and let out a grin.

I don't understand what's wrong with me. This morning I absolutely loathed Parker Adams and now, after him helping me with math, I'm smiling because of him and I'm thinking of him. Something must be wrong. I must be delirious or hungry or thirsty....

"Hey. Snap out of it. " Someone says, waving there had in front of my face.

"What? Did I space out?" I ask Avril.

"Yes. Sometimes I wonder what goes on in that mind of yours. " she rolls her eyes.

"I don't know. " I look over at the store across the street from this shop in the outlet. It's an American Eagle store. "Let's go in there. I have millions of shirts and I need some pants to make my butt look hot. "

"Really? You're crazy. And no ma'am. When we leave you're going to have more than pants. You're going to have two outfits, a dress, some sweats, and two to three pairs of shoes. And me and you are going to get some fancy perfume, body wash, and lotion. "

"Anything else?"

"Yeah. We're gonna get some froyo. " She crosses her arms and swings her blonde-dyed hair out of her face.

Avril dyed it a little while ago because she said she wanted to look like a new person. I have to admit, it looks good. I liked it so much I felt grateful my hair was naturally blonde. I've always been ashamed of it because people make blonde jokes at me all of the time when I walk out of math. When Avril dyed her hair I felt more comfortable.

After paying for the sweatshirt, we walk across the street and walk into the American Eagle shop. We walk over to the skinny jeans section and plow away. I really want some lighter jeans because right now I have too many dark ones left over from last year.

"Avy, help me find some light jeans. Maybe a rip on the knees or thighs. " I say, my top half searching through all of the pants.

"Got it. "

A few seconds later she finds some decent ones and I dash over to the dressing room to try them on. While I'm doing the little dance I have to do to get tight jeans on, I giggle because Hotline Bling by Drake comes on. When it first came out, me and my friend Tess were obsessed with it. Then she got mad at me for something and we didn't hang out anymore. Her loss. I have Avril.

I look at myself in the jeans. I look good. They hug all of the right places. Like they should, I mean, they are skinny jeans. I do a 360 turn in the mirror, call it good, and decide to get them.

About an hour or two later I have two bags of stuff instead of the original plan of just getting a few things, and Avy has about four. We stop at the frozen yogurt place on the way home and we both get our favorite cookie dough cheesecake, chocolate frozen yogurt. We walk outside and sit on the little black benches that line the edge of the shop.

"So you and Parker. What is up with you two? Why don't you get along?"

"I don't know. That's a hard question. " I blush immediately.

"Ok. Then why are you blushing every time I mention him? You used to look like you had downed a sour Warhead and now you look like you're eating...well, your favorite froyo. " She shrugs.

"I don't know. I can't answer that either. Have you ever considered that maybe it's out of anger?"

"Well no. I just feel like something's in the air. "

"No. I barely even know the guy. "

"Yeah. "

"I swear nothing is going on between us. " I say, getting suddenly defensive.

Just because I blush when Parker is mentioned or just because I secretly enjoyed his company ONE time does NOT mean I like him. At all.

"Ok, ok. I believe you. You know I do, Aubrey. " She says in a soothing voice.

At least she believes me. Now I just need to believe me myself.

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