When I'm Bored

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There's Aubrey. The actress is Alexandria DeBerry. This is going to be another filler chapter. I don't want to make every single chapter about the both of them smooching in Smoochytown because this story is also about the characters in it and their lives aside from the main plot. But don't worry... you'll see a lot more of Parker and Aubrey 😏


Drip. Drip. Drip. Boom. Crackle. Drip. Drip. Drip. Boom. Crackle. Drip. Drip. Drip.

I listen to the storm outside. Avril left an hour ago and helped me clean up last night's mess. Now I have nothing to do and I'm just laying on my bed. I can't text Parker and tell him to come over and spend time with me because I don't have his phone number. I haven't asked for it quite yet. So here I am. No guy to cuddle with and no friend to get annoyed with. What is this life?

I let out a load groan and kick the blankets on my bed around in frustration. The restlessness I'm feeling is rising from a one to a ten really quick. I play "bubble gum in a dish" with my toes for a few minutes until all of my toes have gotten out and then collapse on my bed again.

"What to do. " I tap my chin.

I sit there for a moment. I hear my mom's ringtone go off into a song downstairs and I immediately get an idea. I can just blast my music and song along. Or dance. It's the only thing I can think of and the last time I got bored and did this I managed to pass a whole hour. Sounds good to me...

I walk over to my phone and hook it up to the speaker. It's go time. I turn my radio on and go to the Meg Myers channel. I discovered her a while back and can't get her songs out of my head. I love her. Her songs have rage and emotion in them and her voice is just raw. She pours out her feelings into the song she writes and I appreciate that. Her song "Sorry" comes one.

Your tears they taste like, vinegar and blood. These conversations, choke us 'til we're numb. No matter what we say it...never seems enough.

So take me to the start, take me to that kiss. 'Cuz I gotta' know...baby, what I'll forget.

Sorry that I lost our love without a reason why...Sorry that I lost our love..it really hurts sometimes.

I whip my hair around and dance, shouting the lyrics at the the top of my lungs and jumping around like a lunatic. I slow down at the slower part and make my voice shake a little like hers does before bursting out into the chorus again. I hop onto my bed and just jump around like I'm in a music video and pretend to act it out. If Avril saw this she would tell me to grow up...Well here's to never growing up, Miss Avril. No pun intended. Ok, maybe there is.

I laugh at my own joke. I'll have to tell her that sometime. I'll also have to tell Parker there's a place called Parker's in Wilson, North Carolina that sells fried chicken. I saw that on Google yesterday morning when I searched his name on Google. I'm not a creeper I was just...extremely curious to what would pop up. That's all...

Sorry that I lost our love...without a reason why...Sorry that I lost our love...you know it really hurts sometimes...

I dance around to the chorus again and stomp. I go for the split leap and I trip over the foot of my bed, sprawling out on the floor. I hit my ankle hard and I immediately hiss in pain. Why does this always happen?

"Aaahhhh...damn it damn it damn it. Damnnnnn. " I groan and squeeze my ankle. This always happens. I get too hyper and some stupid item of furniture rains on my parade.

I hear my mom's running feat creak on the floorboards. She must've heard the loud noise I made.

"Aubrey Mae Summers watch your language you-ooh. " She grimaces and covers her mouth as she sees me in the floor clutching my ankle.

"Can you help?! You're in the medical field. " I snap.

"Yes, of course. " She rushes away and comes back with the little Elmo gel ice pack that I begged her to get me when I was five. I still love it...it works so well.

She presses it on my ankle and I groan in pain.

"That's going to be a big, swollen bruise. " Mom laughs, shaking her blonde hair around.

"Tell me about it. "

"May I ask how this happened? I have an idea but..."

I blush and shake my head. "You guess. "

"Ok. Let me think...you were dancing around again to that girl's music and you tripped over something. It happens every time. Am I right?" She covers up her smile and tries to stay serious. I don't blame her...I'd laugh too if I heard my daughter cussing and walked in on her sprawled on the floor with music in the background.

"Yes. I swear parent's have some sort of psychic powers. "

"I've just seen you do it enough times to understand. You're lucky you didn't crack that sucker. Wouldn't want Parker, your boyfriend, to see you on crutches would you? "

"Why would he look at my ank-hey, how did you find that out?!" I ask in disbelief. Is she really that psychic?

"It's hard to sleep when Avril squeals like a newborn baby and wakes me up. I was going to walk in and talk to you guys but decided to eavesdrop instead. I'm so glad I did. " She whispers with a huge grin on her face.


"When were you going to tell me, Aubrey?"

"I was going to find the right time...which wasn't anytime soon. Maybe next week?"

"Oh, right. " Mom says sarcastically while removing the ice pack from my ankle and checking on it before placing it back on. "You're old enough to hold that on yourself. "

"So...do you approve? I'd ask Dad, but...he isn't here. " I look down at my feet.

"Yes, sure. If he makes you happy and that's what you want, then go ahead. I don't care. "

Just before she walks out I stop her.

"Thanks, Mom. Um...where has Dad been? I haven't seem him for a few weeks. " I ask, curiously.

"He's on a-on a business trip. He'll be home soon hopefully. " She answers quietly, pressing her fingers against the bridge of her nose, indicating she is about to have a bad headache.

"Ok. " I whisper.

My dad hasn't been home for weeks and I'm starting to worry. And it looks like my mother is, too. I wonder where he is at? Is he safe? There are so many possibilities and all I can hope is that he comes back from this "business trip" soon.

The Bad Boy Thinks I'm Cuteحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن