Just a Talk

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After I changed into my blue pajama shorts with the little bunnies on it and a black tank top, I pulled the rubber band that was holding my hair at the top of my head out. I let my blonde hair fall over my shoulders and rest at the middle of my back.

"Wow. Ok. " I shrug as I sit in my bed beside Parker.

He took his shirt off and I can see his abs and his pecs. I wasn't trying to look, but my eyes were naturally drawn to them.

"What's wrong?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, nothing. Trust me. " I smile.

"Ok. " he smirks.

I get under the covers, as does Parker. This feels so weird. One of my friends, that I may or may not be falling for, is beside me in my bed. To protect me. There, so it isn't that weird.

I turn towards Parker to look at him just to find him staring back at me.

"What now?" I try to look angry, but it fails and my smile spreads. I cover my smile with the covers.

"Nothing. I'm just looking at you. " Parker says, a sly grin on his face.


"Because you're beautiful. "

I just giggle and roll my eyes at him. Any other time I would've scoffed and told him to go away. But like I've said a few times before, I didn't. Something's changed.

"What makes you think that?"

"Because...you just are. Your eyes twinkle when you're happy and crinkle up in the corners, which makes your eyes just stand out even more. You're nose is cute when you wrinkle it up at me. The few freckles you have are adorable. Your lips," He reaches out and traces his thumb along my chin,"Are so pink and full. And when you smile they turn up then close because you're trying not to smile. You're beautiful. Don't get me started on your hair.

"It's blonde, yes, but you are so smart no one can pull a blonde joke on you. And it always smells good, like the grape shampoo you use. It smells so so good. " Parker finishes, twirling a piece of my hair around his finger.

I realize I've had a goofy grin on my face this whole time and try to stop, but I can't. I turn away from him. I can still feel him staring at me and it makes my tummy get butterflies. Me...getting butterflies from Parker Adams. What are the odds? If you asked me a few months ago if I'd ever get them from him I'd say hell to the no, but now...I'd have to say yes because I get them all the time.

I close my eyes and slowly, slowly drift off to sleep.


I'm walking down my street at night, taking a drink from my coffee cup. All of a sudden I hear feet shuffling behind me and I stop to look around.

"Hello?" I ask shakily, looking around, but finding no one and I receive no answer.

I continue walking, this time a little faster. Now I feel like every time I turn around someone is behind me, watching me. But each time I look behind me no one is there. All of a sudden, all of the lamp posts around me go out except for the one in front of me.

I let out a shriek and drop my coffee on the pavement. I look down at the pavement and stare at the spilled brown liquid. I hear a quickly drawn breath. I snap my head to the side. Nothing. Still nothing.

I raise my shaky hands. "I know someone is out there. Come out. Show yourself. "

"Gladly. " Ryan comes out of the shadows with an evil grin on his face.

"No. No! Get away from me!" I rasp.

I try to run away, but I can't. Pretty soon, Ryan has his arm around my waist again like he did in the hallway at his house and he won't let go. He is kissing my neck and I can't push him off. Parker isn't here to save me. He won't be able to this time. I let out a loud scream.

Suddenly I hear Parker shouting and then I wake up, shooting up from the bed.

"He was back. He was back. He was going to get me and you weren't there. You weren't there. " I breathe heavily and start crying. Parker pushes me against his chest and wraps his arms around me tightly. I feel safe again.

I wrap my arms around him and don't let go until I stop crying and my breathing is ok again.

"He isn't here. You're fine. " Parker pulls back and cups my face in his hands.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "I know. It was a dream. "

"That was really traumatizing for you wasn't it?"

"Yes. Duh. "

"It's ok. " He grips my face a little harder and stares into my eyes. " He isn't going to lay a finger on you at all. You're safe. Just stay with me and I swear he won't bother you. If he so much as steps two feet near you I will pound him. You got it?"

"Yes. " I whisper.

I raise my hands up to his shoulders and close my eyes. He presses his forehead against mine and I'm lost in a sea of overwhelming feelings.

"I'm already falling for you, Aubrey. Already. " He whispers, breaking the silence.

"I guess that makes two of us. " I say really quietly.

"I didn't think you could do it. "

"What? Start falling for you or get you to start falling for me?"

"I've liked you for a while now. I didn't think you'd ever like me. I thought you were always going to be a star...I could never reach. "

I just melt at that. It hasn't even been that long and I'm already head over heels for Parker.

"And I thought you were a bad person. I figured if I changed what I looked like you wouldn't like me anymore and I don't know why I didn't want you to like me. I'm sorry. I thought-I thought-"

"That we were enemies?" He pulls away and I suddenly shiver at the lack of warmth I have. "Let me tell you something. What Ryan said was only a little bit true. I've been close to having sex before but...I've never actually done it. I've made out with a lot of girls, but I couldn't bring myself to sleep with someone I don't know. "

"So you're not heartless. But you make out with strangers. What am I supposed to say to that?"

"I don't know. Nothing. Leave me. Or push me out of your house. " Parker drags a hand over his face and covers it up.

I sit there for a moment and think. It's good Parker hasn't actually done it, but it's still bad that he has made out with who knows how many people. But that's him in the past. Not right now. I grab his hands off of his face and hold them against my stomach.

"You better stop making me fall for you if you aren't going to want me around. I haven't kissed anyone since that day in the library. No one. So if you're going to steal my heart for the fun of it, just stop. "

"I'm not. I don't want to hurt you. I wouldn't have even bothered with you like this if I didn't. You know how much I used to hate you. I wouldn't be here holding your hands. Or asking for you to stay with me for protection. " I say.

"Ok. "

I lay down next to him and he pulls me closer so that my head is against his chest and his arms are around my waist. I guess I've found my new sleeping pill.

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