Chapter 5

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Olivias Pov:

I walked into class and took a seat at one of the desk in the back row, I could tell the other student were looking at me but brushed it of thinking it was just because I was the new kid. I soon realised my mistake as the tall guy from the hallway and one of his friends entered the room, they both stopped and looked at me before they headed my way. "This is my seat" a deep husky voice said from above me, "Didn´t see your name on it" I replied already annoyed at them for thinking they rule the world. I could hear several gasps around me as the other students stared at the three of us, waiting to see the boys reaction. I heard the other one laugh behind the tall guy before he leaned down and whispered in my ear "Get out of his seat before we make you" I couldn´t believe they would be that rude, I just stared at him in disbelief, when suddenly I felt a bump and I was staring up at the two boys from the floor, I can´t belive he just pushed me out of the seat, the tall guy smirked at the other guy and took the seat I had just seconds ago sat in. I got up super annoyed and glared at them before taking my books from the desk infront of the guy and walked as far away from them as I could, sitting in the front row now, I could still hear their laughs though.

When the class finally ended I headed out of the door, but soon I felt a pair of hands pulling at my wrist, I turned and was met by two green eyes, looking amused at me. "What do you want?" I asked him in a angry tone, he just smiled at me "I´m Harry, I don´t think we have properly met yet" he answered, I couldn´t help but hate the smug face he had, as if I would just fall for him right there and then. "Well I guess I´m lucky then" I said and pulled my wrist out of his grip, which was suprisingly easy since he was clearly shocked by my reply, and hurriedly walked out of school before he could catch up with me again.

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