Chapter 21

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Harrys Pov:

When I dropped Olivia of at her house I told her I would pick her up the next morning, she tried to object but I wouldn't let her win. I saw her enter the door and I started driving home, once I parked I saw mum and Mikayla out in the yard on the swings, I smiled at the sight of them. Mikayla had that effect on people, she could always make someone smile and I knew my mum could really use it right now. They both turned and looked at me when they heard my car, Mikayla waved at me and mum gave me a small smile, not sure on what mood I was in, that hurt, knowing she was scared, my own mum was scared of me getting angry. I had never hit her, not once, she'd tought me not to hit a girl ever since I was just a little boy and I wasn't planning on ever doing so. Mikayla jumped of the swing and came running towards me, she threw her self at me and I caught her and swung her around, mum loosened up seeing that I was in a good mood. "So, what's with the good mood?" she asked, I couldn't help but smile and of course mum caught it "So, who is she? Have I met her yet?" she kept asking me and I just murmured a low "Yeah, she was here last week" I saw mum trying to think back and the look on her face now showed that she remembered her. She smiled at me and I just grunted and walked away, she was really annoying, why should she make such a big deal out of it. Uuugh I just, I don't know, she hasn't even said anything about it, she just sat there quiet when I called her my girlfriend and the car ride home wasn't any different. I don't know, she just won't talk to me, I'll change that though.

The next morning I parked on her driveway and waited for her, I saw her walk out her door and to be honest I kind of expected her to make a run for it. She actually looked like she thought about it but decided not to, she got in the car and I said "Hi" she just looked at me before she turned and looked out the window, well someone is in a mood. After a few minutes she turned and gave me a puzzled look, "We're waiting for Niall" I explained and she let out a loud sigh, which made Louis chuckle from the backseat, "What, you wanted Harry all to yourself?" he smirked, I saw Olivia roll her eyes and turn back to the window, we saw Niall walking towards us with a kid I didn't recognize. They got in the car and Niall told us the kid was Olivias younger brother, Chris. I thought it was wierd that she ignored him but then I realized that's who she was mad at, and I felt myself relax a bit knowing it wasn't me. The boys talked pretty much the entire car ride but I noticed Olivia just sat there silently, I glanced over at her a few times but didn't say anything, not wanting to make her mad at me too.

When we arrived at school she ran out of the car and in through the school doors, me and the lads walked a bit slower. Why would she just run away like that, I mean I hadn't done anything now, uugh she just really know how to get on my nerves. We walked through the doors and I saw Olivia standing by the lockers talking to Alex, I could tell they were talking about us 'cuz just as Alex saw me and the lads walk in her eyes filled with panic and she looked back down and quieted down. I walked straight up to Olivia, grabbing her hand in mine, "Don't take off like that again, Olivia" I told her irritated, she murmured a low "Sorry" back and I pulled her with me, her hand in a tight grip.

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