Chapter 13

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Harrys Pov:

Justin and his two mates, Jake and Mark, had just entered the room, Louis expression quickly changed from doubtful to a satisfied smirk, he knew we would get our revenge today. I shoot Justin a look and then settled back down in my seat, I already knew he didn't dare to hide another day from us, he knew what happened when we got pissed.

Class ended and me, Lou and Niall were the first ones out of the door, the second Justin and his mates walked through it, we each grabbed one and lead them outside, it wasn't long before Zayn and Liam joined us with the rest of Justins gang, James and Dan. They all had a terrified look on their face and I knew I would really enjoy this, I hadn't been in a fight for way to long now. I threw the first punch, hitting Justin straight in the face, making him yelp in pain, the lads took it as a signal to start and they all started hitting the other boys. By the time lunch was over we had all beaten them up so badly that they couldn't even get up, to be honest I didn't even care, they should know they shouldn't have hurt someone close to me, we all just left them there laying on the alley ground and headed back for our next class.

I was just about to turn around the corner when I bumped in to someone, the person was much smaller than me and the power of our collide made her fall on her bum. I was about to snap at the person for having the gut to walk into me, when I recognized the blond girl sitting on the floor before me, Olivia.

I held out my hand helping her up and she mumble a "thank you" she was about to walk away when she stopped and looked at my shirt "I-is that b-blood?" she stuttered, I looked down and realised my shirt was covered in Justins blood, "Damn it" I mumble under my breath, I didn't really know what to tell her, I didn't want her to be scared of me, but I don't think I can lie to her, I mean it's kind of obvious that it's blood, "Yeah, I guess" I shrugged and the look on her face told me I had scared her.

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