Chapter 38

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Harrys Pov:

"is it true?" she asks and I freez, she knows, I feel myself standing there, just staring at her untill she raises her voice again "Harry" she demands and I snapp out if it "I don't know what you're talking about Oliva" I tell her, a lazy attempt to distract her, but of course it doesn't work, she get a frustrated look on her face and says through clenched teeth "Don't you dare lie to me Harry" and I know I'm just upsetting her more, I have and internal battle on either I should tell her or not, I mean what's worse, she finding out or me upsetting her, yeah I'm gonna go with the first one so I decide to keep lying "Olivia, I'm not, I really don't know what you're talking about" as the words left my lips I can literally see somethin in her snap and she slaps me again "I said don't lie to me Harry" I'm not used to people having the gut to hit me and when someone did it would always be a guy, allowing me to hit back, but this time it was Olivia which meant I couldn't do anything so I swallowed the anger raising within me, taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself. As I saw the fear starting to come back to her eyes I lost it, I was so angry and I didn't think "Fine, Olivia, I killed him, is that what you want me to say?" I yelled at her, I really didn't mean to tell her, it just slipped out. I saw all her emotions leave her face and she just looked empty, and I felt so bad, I would do anything for her to show some emotion right now. But then it's like something click in her head and I see the fear come back, she starts to slowly back away from me, now looking terrified, and right now I miss the empty look on her face. "Olivia please don't" I beg and take a step after her, causing her to take two more steps back "P-please" she cries and I see a tear slide down her cheek "Olivia please, I would never hurt you" I beg again, making another attempt to near her, causing her to back away even further, now with tears streaming down her cheeks "H-harry please d-don't" she whimpers and it breaks me "I did it for you, you know" I say and her expression changes, "Don't" she says and I can see she's starting to get angry again, but is's soon replaced with fear again as I take another step towards her, I reach her before she can move and I grab her arms, keeping her in place, making her cries sound louder. "Please, j-just let me g-go" she begs and the sight of her makes a tear slip down my cheek too "Please don't say that" I beg her but as she whimpers I drop my arms, allowing her to run away from me, just as she's about to walk out the doors I yell after her "I did it for you" and she turns to look at me for a second, a loud gasp sounding down the empty hallway, before she turns back and leaves, as I can no longer see her I fall down, now kneeling on the floor "I did it for you" I whisper again, almost inaudible and tears are streaming down my cheeks, I've lost her.

Olivias Pov:

Once I get out through the doors I start running, afraid he might change his mind and chase after me, I'm not paying any attention on where I'm going, the only thing on my mind is to get as far away from him, the murderer, from Harry. I hear myself cry out at the thought of my curly haird boy, who can be the sweetest person alive, also being a cruel, cold murderer. I keep running for what feels like hours and when I finally manages to get myself to stop, I'm lost. I turn around several times, trying to see something that looks familiar, but gives up once I realize I've never been here before. I let out a loud sigh and pick up my phone, calling Chris "Olivia, are you okay? Niall called, telling me you had run out on Harry and they can't find you anywhere, where are you?" he said and his voice sounded panicked "I-I'm lost, can you please come and get me?" I say between cries and I hear him gasp at the sound of my voice "Of course, do you have any idea where you are, maybe I can send Harry to get you?" he says and I panic "No! Please don't tell Harry" I beg and he starts to get worried "Olivia, what happened? Did he hurt you?" he asks and his voice is now angry instead "No, just please don't tell Harry" I beg and he lets out a sigh "Fine, is it okay if I bring Niall, he know the area better?" he asks and I decide that Niall is better than Harry or being stuck here for hours "yeah that's fine" I answer and he hangs up. After about twenty minutes a car I've never seen before pulls up and Niall gets out, he walks slowly towards me, cautiously watching my reaction "Where's Chris?" I ask and start to panic again, what if they hurt him "He had to leave with your parents, he didn't want to tell them so he sent me instead" he said and I didn't know either I should believe him or not so I just nodded. "Olivia are you okay?" he asks with a worried voice and I break down again, he catches me right as I'm about to hit the ground, letting me sit on his lap, crying into his shoulder while he soothinly whispers in my ear "It'll be okay, I promise"

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