Chapter 12

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Harrys Pov:

We spent the entire afternoon in the park, just me and Olivia sitting in the grass watching Mikayla play around, it was honestly one of my best days in a very long time. While I was half laid down in the grass watching Mikalya play with some flower she had found I could tell Olivia was watching me, I saw her stare at me with an expression I wasn't used to, usually everyone looked scared when they looked at me, well that is if they even dared looking in the first place, but Olivia looked at me and she had this cute little smile and I couldn't help but smile back at her. When we were leaving the park Mikayla was tired and I offered her a piggy back ride, but when we started walking I realised Olivia was still stood in her spot in the grass, I walked over to her and took her hand in mine, pulling her with me, I kept her hand in mine the entire walk home and I would occasionally sneak a peak at her and feel myself smile everytime she noticed and she blushed.

The next day in school I met up with the lads and we all headed to our first class, mine was English, which meant Olivia would be there, but so would Louis and Niall. As we entered the room I looked at the back row only to see Olivia not sitting there, instead she had picked a seat near the middle, I felt disappointed but brushed it of and took my seat. "Looks like she finally got the message, huh?" Louis whispered to me, I just gave him a half smile and turned my head towards the whispering in the room, I saw Alex and a few of the other girls peaking at us from the corner of their eyes and the second they realised they had been caught they looked down at their desks and quieted down. Appearently Niall and Louis had also caught them 'cause they were both on their way over there, "That's two times we caught you whispering about us, Alex" Louis said in a low voice, I could see how the girls infront of him was shaking out of fear, Louis was just about to say something else when suddenly I stood up and called out for them to come back. They both looked unsure but quickly made their way back to me, I pointed towards the door and they saw what had caught my attention.

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