Chapter 39

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Olivias Pov:

We sat like that for awhile, him trying to comfort me and me crying, leaving marks on his white t-shirt. It was getting dark and he lifted me up, carrying me to the car and placing me in the passanger seat, when he got into his seat he turned to look at me "Olivia, he's really sorry you know, he didn't mean to kill him" I hear myself take a deep breath at the word kill and he looks apologetically at me and murmurs "sorry" before he turns back and starts the car, driving away. When we're almost at our street he looks at me for a second and look uncomfortable "Olivia, Chris toold me they would be gone until tomorrow night, are you gonna be alright on your own?" just the thought of being alone in my big house scared the shit out of me and Niall could tell "I'll stay with you then, just let me get some stuff from my house and I'll be there in a few minutes" he said right as he got out the car and started walking towards his house, I ran after him and when I grabbed his hand he turned and gave me a surprised look "Wha.." "I'm scared" I told him and he grabbed my hand tighter "Don't be, I'll be here" he said and we walked together to his house. I had never been in his house and it was big, even bigger than mine, and it was so beautiful "Your mom has really good taste" I blurted and he looked kind of sad for a second "Actually it's just me and my dad" he said and he walked up the stairs, unsure on either I was supposed to follow or stay I staid and I felt the fear grow for every step he took, at the top step he turned and looked at me "Aren't you coming?" he asked and I ran up the stairs, making me collide with him and he laughed "This is gonna be a long night" he chuckled as he walked into his room "Shut up, you try to have murderer to boyfriend and then tell me if you wouldn't be scared" I muttered and he turned back to me "sorry" "It's fine, just get your stuff" I said and sat down on his bed, watching him pack his things "Done" he said grabbing my hand, leading me downstairs and out towards my house.


We had ordered a pizza and were now laying on the living room floor watching a movie while we ate, Niall kept watching me like I would break down again but I had already made up my mind I wouldn't cry over Harry anymore. Niall heard me yawn and got up on his feet and had picked me up, bridal style, in no time and was half way up the stairs, I was to tired to fight him about it so I just wrapped my arms around his neck, supporting me. He placed me on the bed and then turned to walk out the room "Where are you going?" I asked and he shrugged "I'll sleep in Chris room" and started walking again, I got up and ran after him, grabbing on to his hand for my life, making him stumble back "Olivia, what's wrong?" he asked worried "please don't leave, can't you sleep in my room?" I begged him and he looked unsure "Olivia, I don't know if that's such a good idea" he started but I wrapped my arms around his neck, clinging to him, not letting go "Please" I whispered in his ear and I heard a sigh before he picked me up and then placed us both on my bed "thank you" I whispered and climbed up so I could place my head on his chest, since he was laying on his back, I snuggled into him, finally starting to feel safe and he put one arm around my waist. We laid there quiet for awhile and I almost thought he had fallen asleep, but I couldn't sleep, something was bothering me "Niall, how did he do it?" I asked and Niall looked down at me as I was looking up at him, trying to read his expression, he looked, uncomfortable, scared, angry and sad "He hit him" he said and that was it, "He killed him with his hands, just by hitting him?" I asked and the fear came back, Niall nodded and looked everywhere but at me "Why didn't any of you stop him?" I asked now annoyed at the boys for letting Harry go that far "Olivia, you know Harry isn't someone you can stop, once he's made up his mind no one can change it for him." he said with a sigh and I could tell I was making him upset by asking and I placed my head back on his chest and he started singing and I fell asleep.


The next morning Niall woke me up and had already made me breakfast, we sat down and ate it before he drove us to school, but when we got in through the school doors I froze at the sight we were met by.

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