Chapter 18

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Olivias Pov:

When I on monday morning entered the school hallway I was immediately greeted by Alex, we started walking towards our first class, when everyone ran to the sides, I realised what had happen, they were here. I took a shaky breath and followed Alex to the lockers, even though I kept my gaze at the floor I could still feel all the eyes on me, and I knew two of them belonged to Harry. Two feets stepped into my view and I recognized Harrys white converse, I could feel myself shaking by now, "Olivia?" I heard the husky voice say, I drew in another breath but didn't answer him, he tilted my chin up so I was looking him in the eyes, he looked really hurt and sad but as he looked at me it all changed and his eyes became darker "walk with me" he stated before he gripped my wrist pulling me with him, the boys right behind us. I had never been so scared in my entire life, "Please Harry, I'm sorry" I begged but he didn't even react to it. We entered the classroom and he pulled me with him to the back row and motioned for me to take the seat next to him, I sat down and soon Louis sat down on the other side of me with Niall next to him, Zayn sat next to Harry and Liam next to Zayn. "So Olivia.." Louis started, I turned my head to look at him and he smirked and continued "wanna have some fun?" I was disgusted but didn't answer, I saw Harry shooting him an irritated look and the smirk on Louis face disappeared. Harry held my hand in a tight grip the entire class and when it finally ended he pulled me with him to the cafeteria, once again he told me where to sit and I sat down, him still holding my hand. The rest of the day went on the same, he dragging me around with a tight grip and me terrified of what he would do. I comforted myself with the thought that he couldn't really do that much whit all the people around, but the comfort was soon gone when he dragged me towards his car. I felt the panik rise and I digged my heels to the ground, making he turn and shoot me an annoyed look "Come on Olivia" he said but I stood my ground shaking my head no, he took a step closer to me "Please, don't" I begged and once again he just ignored my pleading and swung me over his shoulder. Once at his car he dropped me to my feet and opened the door for me "Get in" he said and I did, he drove out of the parkinglot and headed in the opposite direction of my house, but I didn't dare ask him where we were going. He parked the car and came around opening the door for me again, I stepped out and he grabbed my hand again, getting used to it I just followed him, trying to figure out where we were. I looke up and saw a tattoo shop, I gave Harry a puzzled look but he ignored it, pulling me in through the door. "Harry" a man nodded towards him and Harry nodded back "John" he said walking up to him, "so what are you having today?" the man asked Harry and he told him about the tattoo he wanted. I sat there, next to Harry, him holding my hand in a tight grip the entire time, it's been over an hour now and I could see the man looking at me from time to time, "So who's she?" the man asked Harry, nodding towards me, and Harrys answer shocked me.

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