Chapter 52

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Olivias Pov:

I was walking down the hallway with Alex when I saw Niall walking over to Chris, he glanced back at Harry before turning back to face Chris, and I froze as he slowly lifted his arm, forming his hand into a fist and then connecting it to Chris stomach, making him fall over, crying out from the pain. Alex turned to look at me and saw my frozen glare at Niall, I couldn't believe he would do something so awful to someone, I mean yeah of course I've seen him fight before but that was with Justin and his gang, I feel myself frown and my stomach turning from the thought of Justin, I couldn't help myself from glancing over at Harry, I felt myself gasp as his eyes were already glued on me, a cold expression on his face, I could practically feel the tears forming in my eyes and threatening to fall over and for a second I see what I think is worry in his eyes but if it was he was fast on covering it, turning away from my glance and walking over to Niall, stoping him from making another punsh hit Chris in the head "Come on Niall, don't kill the poor lad" he said and released Nialls arms, I glanced over at Niall and saw his broken expression, he looked so sorrowful and pained by what he had done, how could Harry make him do something like that? Harry had now started walking down the hallway, making his way towards where me and Alex were stood, the rest of the lads soon joining him, even Niall, I saw Harry winking at me as he passed but I ignored him, turning all of my focus towards Niall instead, but he wasn't even looking at me and it looked like he were just going to walk straight pass me but I grabbed his arm, making him stop slightly "Niall?" I whispered but from the corner of my eyes I saw Harry glare back at Niall, making him immediately pull his arm free and kept walking without even a glance towards me, why was he avoiding me?  

It had been over three days now and Niall still hadn't even looked at me, yet alone talked to me and I was really starting to get worried, I had seen him a couple times in the hallways and he still had that broken expression, mixed with fear, but what was he so afraid of, I mean it couldn't be Harry, right? I saw him walk out through the front doors and ran up to him, slightly out of breath as I reached him "Niall" I panted and he turned to look at me, "Could you give me a ride home, please?" I ask him, he's hesitant at first and I try make myself look cute, blinking with my eyes, causing him to laugh a little before he quickly turns around, looking to see that no one is around "Yeah, okay but hurry into the car" he rushes me and I'm practically pushed towards the door, once we're off the school area he relaxes a bit but he stays quiet "Niall?" he turns to look at me quickly as my tone is pained, before he turns back to watch the road again, "yeah" I doesn't look at him as I continue "Did I do something?" he looks at me again, a frown on his forehead and it looks like he is having an internal fight on what to say next "No, of course not, why would you even think that?" he asks, his voice sorrowful "You've been avoiding me ever since the kiss, if you didn't like it you could've just said something instead of avoiding me" I whisper, knowing that my voice is showing clearly how hurt I am "Oliva please, of course I liked it, it's all I've ever wanted but it's just that... well it's complicated" he finishes and I glance at him, his face looks like he's about to break again, I don't know why I'm so hurt by the thought of him not liking the kiss, I mean I dont like him like that anyway but it's just really nice to have him, knowing that Harry has every other girl at school, well probably the girls that weren't in our school aswell. I knew what I was doing was wrong, I shouldn't be using him like this but I needed him and I mean since he wanted it, it wasn't really that bad, he would be happy, right? I told myself that it wasn't going to hurt anyone, exept from me, I mean he wouldn't mind would he? And in that second I told myself that it didn't matter, I needed someone, I needed him, so I leaned over to him, slowly placing my lips on his, pulling him down towards me with my hand on his neck, his hands soon placing themselves on my waist, I couldn't help but to wish that it was Harry but Niall would have to due, at least that's what I'll keep telling myself, cause even though I might have feelings for Harry I know that Niall will always be a better choice.


Thank you guys so much for reading and voting, I love you all<3

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