Telling olivia

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Annabells prov 

Olivia leads me to a bench we sit here for awhile, i can feel the warm breeze blow on my face. It was nice, the silence its like music that fills the air. I like it here i dont want to go back but i know that I'll have to. Olivia seems nice to and kind right now shes sitting next to me texting someone. I feel like i can tell her anything. No! No bella remember whats happened now because you trusted people. Dont fall for it.

"So....can you tell me why you ran into the road for?"she asks as she puts her phone away. I shrug i cant tell her 2 reasons why 1 she'll think im lying and 2 i can't trust people who are cops. "You know you can tell me anything i deal with victims everyday i know how to keep a secret" i look into her eyes maybe i should trust her maybe if i do it'll end this nightmare. "I ran into the road because I thought if i got hit by a car it would stop the pain...." she looks at me oh god i knew this was a mistake! She lifts up her arm and right when i thought she was gonna hit me she pulled me into a hug and kiss my head. I stare at her for moment before taking again "w-why didnt you hit me?" She looks at me and says "i would never ever hit you Annabell" 

"Olivia i-i need to t-tell you something..." this is it im gonna tell her whats been happening in this nightmare you could call my life. "Okay what is it baby girl?" I gulp and say" i-i-ive been raped..m-more then o-once by leo henry and jack..."  there was a silence it felt like forever before she spoke.  "Does anyone else know about this" i shake my head no" th-they do it when everyone else is asleep ive got my own room because they insisted to ms.williamson th-they said it was because i was getting bulliedby the other kids but that was just an excuse to get me alone to rape without anyone else knowing" "how long has it been going on for" "s-since i got here.." i start crying i didn't want to show her im weak but i couldn't hold it in for much longer.

"Hey hey shh...its okay..." she wipes away my tears " can you tell me how many times they raped you"I take a deep breath and then talk "Henry about 1-128 times....Jack about 110 t-times and Leo i-i don't know i stopped counting after 300...." her eyes widen i guess ill be shocked too if someone has just told me they have been raped about 538 times in the past 8 years of their life.

"Okay now Annabell can you tell me whens the last time you was rape" "the last time was last night i cant remember what happened because Leo hit my head against the wall and i passed out..." "have you taken a shower today?"she asks i give her a look "why?" "Have you cause if you haven't you need to go get a rape kit done.." a rape kit oh no oh no oh no! Im not doing a rape kit lady! She looks at me waiting for me to reply."n-no i-i haven't but i don't want a rape kit! " she sighs "its the only way we'll be able to catch they and put them away" i grumble "okay fine..." 

Maybe it wasnt the best idea to tell her after all......

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