its time!

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A/n-hey guys so ive skipped to when bellas almost 9 months along cause i dont know what else to write about before then so yean enjoy!x

Annabells prov

Ive been put on bed rest for the last few weeks amd can i just say im so bored! Liv took some time off work to watch me even though im perfectly able to look after my self. Liv has just gone out to the store so im alone bored and thirsty. I cant take this any more, i slowly stand up and go out to the kitchen and make my self some hot chocolate. "Annabell what are you doing out of bed?!" Ugh!

I turn around "hey mom....nice weather today huh?" I bite my lip, she puts the bags on the counter and walks over tl me "what are you doing out of bed you should be resting.and why didnt you wait for me to come home to make you a drink you could of got hurt.." "im perfectly able to make my own drink im not a toddler and plus its boring just sitting in my room all day" i whine and pout.

" come on back to bed" she gides me to my room "your no fun..," i pout again as i get into my bed. "Stop pouting, baby girl i know you are sick of this but it'll be worth it once the twins are born.." i sigh "guess your right, can we cuddle and watch a Disney moive?"
She chuckles and nods " sure baby girl " i put mulan on and cuddle into olivia well try to anyway with my big baby bump in the way. " i am so proud of you baby girl" i lean up on my elbow and look at her "why?" I ask "because you take what ever has been thrown at you and your going to be a mother even though your 15 years old your willing to put their lives before yours and i couldn't be more prouder" I smile "thank you mom.." i cuddle back into her "your welcome bells" i feel my eyes grow heavy and soon im in dream land.

Olivias prov (an hour later)

Im standing in the kitchen making bellas favourite for lunch. I put everything in the pan and then check my phone. "Ow....." i instantly put down my phone and go check on annabell. "Baby girl you okay?" She groans in response, i walk over "whats wrong sweetie??" I smooth her hair back " i-i-i think i-im g-g-g-going into l-labor..." tears fall down her face "Ow!!" cant be her due date isnt until another 2 weeks. "Okay baby girl just breath okay breath"

She tries to control her breathing but the is hit by another contraction "Fuck! Liv make it stop!!!" More and more tears fall. "Shh baby girl its okay im gonna take you to he hospital okay?" I ask she nods. I help her stand up,i gide her out of her room. "Oh no..." bella say as we stands still, i loom at her "what whats wrong?" She looks down "m-my water just broke..." i look down and see shes standing in a pool of water. I quickly grab my keys and help her out of the apartment, making sure to turn off the stove first.

I help her into the car and start driving. "Why doss this hurt so much?! Owww" she screams. "Your doing good bells we'll be at the hospital soon" "drive faster!" Keep calm liv you gotta stay calm for bella, oh who am i kiding im freaking our!

I finally pull up at the hospital and help bella inside. "Ugh when is this gonan stop?!" She screams again. "Excuse me my daughter is going ito labor!" I say to the repsionist. She nods and soon a doctor comes. They take me and bella into a room and they give bella something to help with the pain (i dont know what its called) " we'll be back soon to check on you" the doctor says

She tiredly nods and puts her head back and close her eyes. "How you feelinh baby girl?" I ask once the doctor leaves "it hurts a little now but im just tired, why does labor hurt so much?" She says without open her eyes. I laugh a little "because it is baby girl"
" mom?" " yeah bells" she opens her eyes " C-c-c-can we let james know.. please?" I nod and pull out my phone and text james. I look over at bells and see shes asleep, i stand up and go out and call amanda to tell her about bella. I then text fin to ask him to pick up danielle from her school.
40 minutes later and they both arrive. "Is she doing okay?" James ask with worry in his voice. If your wondering why he isnt in prison we made him a deal that if he agrees to be out on the sex affeneders list for life he'll be aloud out because bella wants him to get to know the kids. "Yeah shes fine shes asleep at the moment we dont know when shes gonna give borth could be in a second or in 5 hours.." i say he nods.

We go into her room, i see her eyes open "hey sleepyhead look whos here" james waves bella waves back "hey sweet pea how you feeling? " Amanda asks "like a tone of bricks fell on me"

Annabells prov

" like a tone of bricks fell on me" i reply, they all give me a small smile. I feel a contraction hit. "Ahhh!" I grab livs hand quick and squeeze it so hard. I think I've broke her hand, another on hits and again " im gonna go get the doctor." Amanda says and leaves. I close my eyes and squeeze olivias hand harder "if you squeeze any harder i wont be able to feel it" she jokes but I dont feel like laughing. I give her a look, god this hurts so much.

I hear the door open and i look up at the doctor and amanda. She checks me and then looks up "are you all gonna stay?" They look at me for and answer i nod my head for them all to stay"okay i want you to get ready to push okay sweetie?" I nod okay. I can't wait for these two to get out of me! "Okay push" i try but it hurts to much "Ow fuck i cant it hurt!! Your all suck!!!" I cry. "Push bay girl" liv says I push. This is it its actually time...

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