First date

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Annabells prov 

Well today's the day, the day me and james go on our first date. Im kinda nervous what if he doesnt like what i wear or decides  that he doesnt love me anymore more. Right now im trying to find the perfect outfit. Ugh theres nothing to wear!!! 

" bella can you play with me?" Danielle skips into our room.i dont answer her. Yes i said our room cause olivia hasn't got enough rooms here  we had to put her bed and things in my room so now we share. Its great sometimes because you know whenever she needs a hug im here or when im down shes there to cheer me up but rigt now i just wish she will go so i can find the perfect outfit for my date.

"Bella...." she whines "oh sorry dani im kinda busy right now maybe later okay d?" I say whilst throwing my clothes around the room. "But thats what you said this morning "she pouts. God i cant say no to that face. "Fine okay ill play but only for a little bit cause im really busy" she smiles ans hugs me. "Okay you can be the prince and ill be the princess" i smile 

"Okay your highness" i laugh.  We play for about an hour and a half.  " Okay okay no more no more" danielle laughs as i tickle her. "Say im the prettiest prince you've ever saw and i will" i laugh "okay  your the prettiest prince ive ever saw" i stop tickling her " thank you now go watch a movie whilst i carry on what i was doing before you came in" i smile at her

"Okay bell" she skips off. Right now where was i? Um maybe this top with these jean  no thats gross. God why can i find it?! "I give up!"  I yell. There was a knock on my door "bells is everything okay?" I look up to see Olivia "oh um yeah just trying to find an outfit for tonight.." " well dont stress about it your only going out with your friends its not like your going on a date" okay maybe i lied to olivia about who im going out with tonight but i didnt want her to know im going on a date because she wouldn't of let me go otherwise.

"Yeah right its not like im going on a date,." I lie "but if you ask me i think you should wear the black skinny jeans, your purple top, your black leather jacket and your black beanie"huh why didnt i think of that! "Thank you!!!" She laughs  " now you got your outfit picked out come have lunch with me and danielle" 

" Im not hungry" " bella dont lie to me" she warns "im not lying im not really hungry okay?" She sighs " Listen baby girl you cant keep doing this youve gotta get if not for yourself then for danielle she looks up to you and what do you think she'll say when she see you not eating or throwing up after you eat?" I roll my eyes i guess shes right. "Fine..." 

Danielles already eaten half of her dinner when we come in. "Bella!! Come sit with me! Look theres cinderella on" i look at the tv "yeah I see that d" she smiles, 

During lunch james texted me he said 'cant wait for our date love you lots like jelly tots your my favourite girl in the world xoxo j ' i couldn't stop smiling liv asked who texted me so i lied and said it was katniss sending me a picture of her and santana holding up a picture saying we love you bells. She brought it though.

(Time skip to 5 minutes before the date)

Omg omg im so scared 5 minutes and he'll be here! I told liv that me and james are gonna walk to the cinema and meet santana and katniss there cause its only 5 minutes away from where we lived but obviously were not gonna meet them. Knock knock knock. Oh god it cant be time already!

I sort out my beanie just as danielle comes in "bella theres a boy here he says hes here to pick you up..."she says in her cute voice "thanks dani go tell him ill be right out okay?" She nods and runs out. I take one more look in the mirror and go out.

Damm he looks so hot!!! " Hey.." i say he jumos and turns around "wow you look just wow" i blush "your little sister was just was just telling me about cinderella" i laugh "she loves that movie but shes not my sister..well not yet.." "oh um well this is awkward" i roll my eyes playfully " your a dork"

Olivia comes into the living room"okay now you guys sure you don't want me to drive you?" I shake me head"were sure mom plus its almost danis bed time" she sighs "fine but if theres any trouble call me and make sure you go straight there i dont want santana texting me saying your not there" "okay momm geez dont worry." " I just want you to be safe....have fun and james make sure you all dont watch a horror movie they give bella nightmares" "mom!!" I scream god shes so embarrassing.

" I wont miss Benson" he begins to push me out "bye bye bella!!!" "Bye dani make sure to be good for olivia and go straightto bed when your told" i say. What im very ccaring she nods and me and james leave.

"So what movie are we gonna see?" I asks as he hasnt actually told me. "Change of plans were going bowling instead" " what why?" "Cause movies are boring and plus ill be to busy looking at you then he screen" i blush.

We go to the bowling alley and go in. "Wait how am i gonna bowl look at me im in a wheelchair"  "ill help you dont worry b" i sigh "fine" we go to our lane and start the game. James goes first he misses the first time but then gets a spare on his second go. Now its my turn.

I pick my ball and wheel my self to infront of our lane. I feel james put his hands  on mine "okay so swing back and release" i do what he says with his help and got a strike. "Well done bells" i smile "couldnt of done it without you" he kisses me i kiss back but then he tries to put his hand on my boobi quickly pull away. " um sorry i didnt mean to do that" i shake my head "n-no its fine" i lie

He nods and we went back to our game. In the end i won of course cause im the best. I check my phone to see what time it is and see ive got 5 miss calls and 10 text's from olivia and 3 miss calls from santanand katniss. Shit the 'movie' was supposed to  be finished 2 hours ago. "Hey james i gotta get home my mom has kinda gone crazy and has called me 5 times and texted me 10 times"

"Okay lets go" he takes me back home but as i am about to open the door he stops me"hey im sorry about earlier you know...for " i interupt " i know its fine" he nods and walks off. I open the door and brace my self for an angry olivia. 

As soon as i come in im met by olivia "Annabell Benson where have you been?!" " Im sorry..after the movie me and james went to the arcade and we kinda lost track of time"i lied "why didnt you answrr my calls or texts or even answer santanas and katniss's?! I was so worried when they told me you left them 2 hours ago" "i know im sorry but my phone died.."i lie again

She sighs"just go to your room and be quite ive just got danielle to sleep she wanted to stay up to see you" i nod and go into my room quietly. God why didnt i just tell her the truth!

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