Lies after lies

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Annabells prov 

" i want you to explore the play pick out the features that Shakespeare uses and write about how the features used in the play make the play seem better and then once you are finished read quietly"  miss chetwood our English teacher says. Im still sore from last night...i just really hope olivia hasnt found out because she'll say i told you so. I kind feel sick as well but i just keep doing my work. Okay so Mcbeth this shouldnt be so hard i mean i loe this kinda  stuff thats why English is my favourite lesson along with maths. 

This is kinda fun im already half way through. " Pss pss" i turn around to see santana "what is it san?" I whisper cause i dont wanna be court by the teacher. "Wheres james apparently you two were last seen together last night at the party. ?" At the sound of his name flash backs of what happened last night flicks throught my mind. 

"Bells?" She waves a hand in front of my face. " No talking! Bella and santana one more time and ill guve you detention" least i didnt have to answer santanas question. I turn back around and finish my work.

Olivias prov 

"I think we should check the school again..maybe shes there." Amanda says I sigh  "fine...i just cant believe my baby girl has been raped again..and i couldn't even protect her, i couldnt even do my own job!"

"Liv its not your fault its no ones fault none of you knew that this would happen, look its 2:30 now bellas school doesnt finish till 3:50 ill go check to see if shes there now whilst you go pick up danielle and go home" I look at her "okay but if shes there please message me,but dont say anything about the raoe i want her to tell me on her own" she nods

" I better get go if i wanna get there before school ends " and off she went. I go to my car and drive to danielles school, i park up and wait. 5 minutes later im met by a smiling dani. " Hey little monster how was your day?" She looks at me "it was bella home?!" She says you can hear the excitement in her voice. I shake my head "no not yet. But hopefully she'll be back soon " i say. Her smile disappears.

" i want bella!!" She starts to cry "shh i know baby i know you do " i hug her "i want her too"

Annabells prov 

And done with half an hour to go, your on a roll bells. I take out my book from my bag and start reading. Man this book is so good i swear if you can marry a book i would.

Knock knock knock. Ugh someones at the class room door, i dont look up and just contiuue reading my book. "May i please see Annabell Benson please?" I hear the person say. I look up  and see Amanda. Crap! Everyone turns and looks at me. I slowly get up "might as well bring you things with you " Amanda says. I nod and grab my things and walkout of the room.

Once we were away from the class room amanda turns and looks at me "where he hell have you been olivias been worried sick!" She says " i-i um went to a friends house during the party cause i didnt like it and my phone was turned off  and we woke up late so i came here straight from sorry"i lie

" Its okay sweet pea....just dont do it okay? We thought something happend to you" if only she knew.."im fine dont worry..."i lie again she nods. " come on lets go"but ive still got 20 minutes left?" "Im aloud to take you out so lets go take you home" she says. I nod my head.

Olivias prov 

"Let it go..let it go cant hold it back anymore let it go..let it go turn away and slam the door" danielle sings i cant help but smile.  She dressed up in her elsa dress that i got her. " i dint care what they're going to say let the storm rage on....the cold never bothered me anyway" we both sang and then laugh. I hear the door open.

" Knock knock look who ive got" i hear amanda say i look up and see her and bella. "BELLA!!!!" Danielle yells and runs over to her and jumps up. " Hey there little monster still loving that frozen dress huh?" Annabell jokes. "Where were you, i thought you wasnt coming back "dani says annabell sighs and picks her up. "Listen, i will never ever leave you i promise okay? I love you toi much"she kisses her head.

" hey danielle how about you go watch frozen in your room whilst i talk to bella" i say and nods and jumps down and runs into her room. We sit on the couch "so whats up?" She says. "Bells why didnt you answer your phone?" I ask even though i sorta know the answer "it died.." she lies i nod my head "so why didnt you come home last night?"  "I uh was at my friends yeah we left the party early and went to hers" she lies again

" can i go now please..." she says "Annabell we know" amand says. "Know what?..." "that you wrre raped sweet pea..."amanda says. Annabells eyes widen "i dont know what your talking about now if you'll excuse me!" She goes to stand up but i gently push her back down. "Baby girl...please just stop lying we know...why did you leave the hospital? "  a tear goes down her face "i-i was scared they would call you and i didn't want you to know" "why?!" "Because its all my fault that i got raoed and i didnt want you to yell at me.." "Annabell its not your fault" i say "yes it is if i didnt beg you to let me go to that fucking party! I wouldnt of been raped" i look at her.. "thats not true bells no one knew that you would be raped so dont blame your self" amanda says

" I just want this day to be over i wanna wake up and this would all be a dream" she cries. I wrap my arms around her at first she tenses up but then she relaxes. " why does this keep happening to me?" She mumbles into her hands "I don't know annabell I dont know " i kiss her head. " Who was it?" Amanda asks. I hear bella mumble something but i dont quite catch it. "What?" Amanda says

" I said it was james...." bella says a little more clearer. After 5 minutes of letting bella cry amanda speaks up "were here for you sweet pea..,you can always talk to liv or me..." annabells nods "i know...can i have tomorrow off school? I-i dont wanna see james..," she asks. " i-i dont know" she looks up at me with tears in her eyes "please..." "fine...i love you baby girl "  "i love you too.." " hey what about me? Dont you love me?" Amanda jokes, bella  lets out a small smile "of course i do amanda" they hug. I cant wait to put james in jail!

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