Birthday girl and new school bully

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Olivias prov 

Today is annabells birthday ive got all her presents and cards laid out on the couch. I went all out buying what i hope she will love to make up for all the ones she lost in the orphanage. Its 6 am and im making pancakes for her so as soon as she wakes up breakfast will be ready. 5 minutes later i hear her come through the hall "olivia? What you doing up this early its the weekend?" Her eyes land on the plate of freshly made pancakes on the table "PANCAKES!!!" She ran over to the table and grabs them. "Yum they smell so good!"

" well im glad you think so baby girl" I smile "happy birthday by the way" i say as she starts stuffing her face." Oh heah forgot it was my birthday um thanks i guess. Is that why were having pancakes? " " yep and how can you forget it was your birthday?" I ask

She shrugs "i guess cause i didnt celebrate it back in the orphanage i forget when my birthday really is and that it just feels like any other day be honest..." she says and then carries on eat "well thats all gonna change now baby girl,so once you've finished your food you can open your presents" i see her face light up "i-ive got presents?" I nod and point to the couch and she gets up and hugs me"thank you!!"

I chuckle "your welcome now finish up so you can open them" she starts eating fast "woah slow down you dont want to choke.." " sorry just wanna open up my presents..." "its fine all done" she nods "okay then go open them"

She runs over to the couch and stars opening them. Admiring the new clothes, guitar,songbooks,and shoes she got. Theres one more present that i got her but im waiting for the right moment to give  it to her. She starts playing her new guitar that was just unwrapped. I go into my room and get her last present and come back into the living room." Bella theres just one more present for you here you go " i hold it out she unwraps it and just stare at it for a while. "A-a phone? You got me a-a phone..."

" um yeah i-if you dont like it i can take it back.."i say as i start to worry if it was the best idea to get her a phone.  " i-i love it thank you thank you so so so so much!!!" She say as a tear goes down her face. "Hey no crying on your birthday " "its happy tears liv" she says and she laughs a little and wipe her tears away. I kiss her head"good now go get dressed" "why i dont have school or anything." "No but i have work and you cant stay here alone now come on get dressed." She rolls her eyes "fine, but only cause i love you..." "love you tooswet too sweet pea" she goes into her room and gets change into her new clothes that shes got. 

10 minutes later and were in the car on the way to the presinic, she was too busy sorting out her new phone to notice that we arrived. "Hey birthday girl we've arrived." I unbuckell my belt and look at her "okay hang on just gotta do this thing on my phone,...I've alwayswanted to say that " she chuckles.

We get out and go in. I go over to my desk whilst annabell just stands still looking at her phone.

Annabells prov 

I cant believe ive got a phone!!! Now i can finally text and call santana whenever i want. Yes you heard right santana, shes becameone of my bestest friends ive had other then katniss but me and her aint really on speaking terms right now cause she still hasnt apologised to santana for slushie her. I just hope we can be friends again i miss her..she was the only one that made me feel excepted. 

"Happy birthday sweetie" "make a wish" i jump and turn to see Amanda and fin standing there with a cake. Wow m-m-my own cake! "T-thank you!" I blow out the candles and smile. "Thanks so much!" "Your welcome kiddo now lets cut it up and eat before munch gets his hands on it" fin says i laugh and nod. They cut it up and hand me a piece. 

I hesitate for a second not because i dont want to eat it but because i cant remember what it taste like ive inly had cake a couple of time before when i was younger . I take a bit a swollo it omg this is amazing once i finish i ask for another slice. I got it but they said only cause im the birthday girl. Man this is he bestest birthday either!!!!

(2 days later its monday)

I walk down the school halls. I turn he corner and see katniss takk to santana oh god please tell me shes apologising and not there tk make fun of her. I walk over "hey...what you talking about?" "Nothing.." santana says "oh santana it wasnt nothing remember you was just telling me something interesting about Annabell" "what no i wasnt you just asked me what was the homework for french class!" Santana says " well anyway bell i just wanna let you know that everyone knows about your little secret " i was confused "what little secret??" Katniss smirks 

"Oh you know that secret that you told santana about the day i slushied her you know that you cut" my jaw drops. She knows she knows i-i used to cut and now apparently the whole school does to! B-but how does she know. "H-how d-do, how do you know that i-i used to cut" "oh well i cant really give that away now can i?" She laughs and walks off with her new friends.

I can feel my whole world crashing down. I turn to look at santana with tears in my eyes "d-did you tell??" I ask quietly " no bella i would never do that! Ive changed you my best friend why would i risk our friendship to tell your secret." " n-no... my life is over why would she do that to me?!" I cry santana hugs me" its because she wants the attention dont let her get to you!" I shake my head " i-i gotta get out of here! " i push away santana and run down the hall i can hear her calling my name but i dont look back.

I run into the janitors closet and close the door i use a broom to lock it and slid down onto the fall. I cry and cry until im empty i take off my backpack and look through it. God where is it? The one time i really need it i cant find the stupid razer! I throw my head back and close my eyes. I open them back up and look around the closet i was in maybe i can find something in here to use. I find what i was looking for and grab it. The janitor wont miss it i hope. I press it against my stomach i chose my stomach so no one will notice my new cuts. 

I was just about to make my 10th cut when my phone goes off it was liv. Why was she calling me? I click answer and hold it against my ear. "Bella? Bella honey you there?" "Y-yeah im here um what you calling for?"i say trying to make my voice sound normal since it sounds wavy cause i was crying "um your friend santana texted me" oh yeah i forgot i gave santan livs number so she can call me"saying your upset and she doesnt know where you are? Are you okay"

"Y-yeah im fine i was just scared about this stupid test that we have in french" i lied "okay well if you arent okay you can tell me okay? I love you" "l-love you too bye" i hang up as new tears start to come down my face. When did life t so mean? Why is katniss the new school bully....

My thoughts was interupted when i hear a knock in the door"bell you in here?" Great santans found me "bell?" "Go away please" "no mow open this door before i kick its down" i open the door cause if i didnt she will literally kick it down"oh bella .." she hugs me and holds me close i try to stop my tears from falling but it doesng work. "Your okay everything is okay" i shake my head "no its not everyone knows...and i-i did it again...." i say the last part quietly as we sit on the floor with our backs again the wall" what you promised!" "I-i know but i-i had to.." she wipes away my tears "where did you do it?" "M-my stomach..."i cry again she sighs 

"Everything is okay...everything is okay ive got you your okay" she rubs my back as i slows close my eyes and drift into sleep.  The sound of the bell that tells us to go to our next lesson wakes me up. Godwe missed a whole lesson! "GGood morning sleepy head" santana says as she smiles down at me.

"Hey..why didnt you wakee me up we miss class.."  she shrugs " its fine dont worry about it" i rub my eyes" so what did you do when i was asleep" "just sat here and watched you. ..." she blushed a little " oh.. well lets get up and go to class" " okay " she stands up and holds out her pinkie i hook mine around hers and we walk down he halls to our next class not even thinking about my secret that is out for the whole school to know.

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