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(Next day)

Olivias prov 

The doctor came in this morning while bella was still asleep sayung she can go home.im packing everything up ready. "Liv what time is it?" I hear a sleepy voice asks "its 11 am sweetie the doctor came in earlier and said that you can go home"

She smiles "yes!" I chuckle. " Wait wheres dani?" " Oh amanda came last night and took her home when you was asleep." " Oh..." I finish packing "so ill go tell the doctor were ready to go and then you just have to get checked over and then we can go " i go and tell her doctor.

(Time skip to time to leave) 

" So heres your medication and you can go" i take annabell medications and put it in my bag. "Thanks" "welcome now i dont want you doing p.e or anything physical for next month you gotta heal properly." Annabell sighs in annoyance because her glee club is going to sectionals and she has a dane solo plus a normal solo so. "Okay..." she moans. I wheel her our of the hospital and help her into the car. 

I put the wheel chair back and go to the car. " you ready?" "Yeah" i start the car up and drive off. 

(Time skip home)

I open her car door and help her out "thanks..." she says " your welcome" i close the door and lock it. We go into the aapartment building. She stops and looks at me "this is gonna take forever to climb up these stairs " " ill help you "  she sighs snd starts to climb the stairs slowly.

We finally get to our apartment door and go inside. "Welcome home!!!!" Amanda nick fin dani santana and katniss yell. I look at Annabell and she has a smile on her face, thank god shes not upset. "Welcome home sweet pea" amanda hugs annabell and she winces "oh sorry i forgot" " its fine"

Annabells prov 

I smile amanda lets go of me and i go over to katniss and santana. " We were so worried A" ssantana says "hey it wasnt my fault" i defend myself " true " they both hug me  gently. "Guys i wanna tell you something..."  they nod "Mom im gonna go to my room okay?" Liv says okay. I go to my room katniss and santana follow i close my door and sit on my bed. "I wanna tell you something thats really hard to say" "what is it" Katniss says " i-im pregnant...."

" WHAT?! YOU CHEATED ON JAMES HOW COULD YOU!!! Santana yells i start to tear up "i didnt cheat on james....hes the father and no i didnt have sex...i was raped" "What?..."Sanatna and katniss say insync "i-i said james raped me...."  i bite my lip and close my eyes to stop my tears falling.

" bella im so sorry for yelling at you i cant imagine what your going through" santana hugs me i put my head in her neck and sniffle " its fine.." "were here for you bells" Katniss says i look up and give her a small smile "thanks.....i just wanted you guys to know before i start to show" they both nod "how far along are you?" I shrug "i dont know i find out at my appointment in 2 weeks" 

" Are you gonna keep it?"katniss asks suddenly "i-i dont know to be honest i dont wanna abort it or give it up for adoption but i dont wanna keep him or her and be remind of what james did to me you know?" " Well if you do keep it do you want it to be a girl or a boy" "either as long as theyre healthy but im secretly hoping for a boy" i smile a bit. "Ooo can i name him if you have a boy and santana  canname it if its a girl" i nod "sure."

(Time skip everyones left danis asleep and liv and annabell are on the couch cuddling and watching a movie)

"Hey mom.." "mmm" she replys keeping her eyes focused on the tv " i-i know what i wanna do with my baby.." she purses the tv and looks at me "what do you  wanna do bell?" I take a deep breath, i look down "i-i wanna um i-i wanna keep it....i mean its still my baby and i wanna show james that even though he got me pregnant im still gonna keep it and love it" i say "please dont kick me out once the baby is born" she puts her fingers under my chin and lifts it up " im not gonna do that and im proud of you" she kisses the top of my head.

" Thank you for being supportive" i say "i will always be supportive bells" i smile

"So what do you think you'll name him or her " she asks "well i told katniss that she can name it if its a boy and santana if its a girl they was already thinking of baby names in my bed room...my favourite ones are Noel for a boy and Ocean for a girl" liv smiles "i like them ones too" 

I cuddle into her more " i love you mom" "i love you too bella" we both fall asleep 

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