Chapter 2 new acquaintance

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Entering the mini garden felt nothing short of wonderful, with its beautiful flowers, a variety of colors, and the lush green grass tempting her to kick off her shoes and feel the soft blades between her toes. Josoline couldn't help but appreciate the small fountains on each side, adorned with delicate angel statues. As her three-inch heels clicked on the stone walkway, the cool air gently caressed her elegant face, a sensation she savored.

Taking a moment to observe her surroundings, Josoline noticed the perfect assembly of young ladies and their attendants, each with their own distinct presence. She recognized Debra Chambers, known for her uptight demeanor due to her family's tobacco plantation background, and caught sight of Lady Celia Steele, whose striking features hinted at her father's political influence. Josoline couldn't shake the feeling that this gathering wouldn't be easy.

Amid curious gazes and some less welcoming glares, Josoline was greeted by a young woman with dark brown eyes. Josoline returned the greeting with a polite smile and nod.

"Hello, Lady Josoline," the woman said. "I'm Lady Hanna Edgar. Would you care to join us?" She gestured to an empty seat beside her. "You just missed the queen; Her Majesty has gone on an errand."

"Okay," Josoline replied, secretly relieved she had missed meeting the queen.

Apologizing, Hanna introduced Reed and Gally, her ladies-in-waiting, who sat beside her. "Aren't there supposed to be three?" Josoline inquired.

A male butler poured her a cup of tea. She sipped it, looking at Hanna over the rim. "Well?"

"Yeah, there is, but she's not feeling well," one of them replied, and Josoline decided not to bother learning which was which.

"How about yours?" a lovely blond opposite Josoline asked.

Setting down her tea cup, Josoline replied, "They will arrive later."

"Well, I heard you won't have any," the blond said, glaring challengingly at Josoline. "Though it would be rather hopeful that the palace would loan you some of their maids." Her smile seemed almost sinister to Josoline.

Wondering why she was being targeted, Josoline maintained her composure. "I wonder, how could you have heard that when I've just arrived?" she replied, unfazed by the banter.

"Don't pay her much notice, Drusilla is like that," Hanna intervened with a small smile, though Josoline didn't appreciate being the center of negative attention.

Josoline couldn't help but grin at the absurdity of competing with these women for men. They were trained in sewing, tea etiquette, and submission to their future husbands. Meanwhile, she was carefree, independent, and ambitious—traits her father hoped her future husband would understand.

As she surveyed the room, Josoline counted nine debutantes, each accompanied by her ladies-in-waiting. Her mother had promised three attendants, and Josoline felt nervous at the thought of being embarrassed. Taking another sip of tea to calm her nerves, she realized she had no plan to captivate any of the men present.

Taking a shaky breath, Josoline recalled Theodore, whom she had met earlier. Handsome and gentlemanly, he had left a strong impression on her with his lopsided grin.

Suddenly, she heard applause, snapping her out of her reverie. Men's voices and footsteps approached, and Josoline looked up to see several young men, four of whom stood out. Recognizing Theodore and noticing a sandy-haired young man, a dark-haired blue-eyed man resembling Prince Theodore, and a chestnut-haired man with a commanding presence, Josoline's curiosity was piqued.

"That's Duke Ethan," Hanna whispered, blushing as she eyed him. "It's not fair to have all those men in one room."

As they approached, the ladies stood to greet them. "Hello, Your Highness," they said in unison, bowing, but Josoline remained serious, holding her head high.

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