Chapter 10 confused

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Josoline laid in bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling, tossing and turning throughout the night. The events of the day had been incredibly eventful, from the unexpected encounter at the stables to the unsettling scene at dinner. The words exchanged, the lingering glances, and the letter she received—it all played on a loop in her mind, leaving her feeling utterly confused. She couldn't make sense of her emotions or the whirlwind of thoughts racing through her head

<12 hours ago>-------------'xzzx

Josoline barely made it to dinner just two minutes before the royal family's arrival. Her cousins and the other ladies waited patiently for her return, ready to assist with any last-minute preparations. Becka held her dress, Ruth had a brush in hand, and Mari ensured her bath was ready. Josoline felt immense gratitude for her friends' unwavering support—they had her back without needing to ask questions.

Seated at the dinner table among a gathering of beautiful women and nobles, Josoline couldn't help but notice Duke Ethan across from Lady Hanna. His occasional smiles towards her made Lady Hanna blush, and Josoline couldn't help but smile at the sight.

"You took quite a while," Becka whispered, grinning teasingly.

"I'll fill you in later," Josoline whispered back, returning the grin. Becka nodded in agreement.

As the royal family's entrance was announced, everyone rose from their seats. The ladies curtsied gracefully, and the nobles bowed respectfully before retaking their seats. Josoline's eyes remained fixed on Leo, seated at the far left end of the table next to Lady Cecilia, who blushed as he flashed his famous smile.

Josoline quickly averted her gaze, feeling her heart rate increase. How foolish of her to think that a brief encounter with Leo could earn his favor. Despite her internal chastising, she found herself stealing glances at him, unable to resist.

Her eyes wandered down the table, and she unexpectedly locked eyes with Duke Ethan. His warm smile caused her cheeks to flush, and she quickly looked away, feeling as flustered as Lady Hanna.

"Oh my," she mumbled under her breath, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

The butlers served the first course, and they ate in relative silence, punctuated only by occasional small talk. As the second course was served, the atmosphere at the table remained polite yet somewhat tense.

"This is rather delectable," murmured Becka to Josoline. She offered a nod and a smile, though her attention seemed elsewhere.

Why was she fretting so, she wondered? Why was Ethan directing such amiable glances her way, while Prince Leo scarcely acknowledged her presence? A flush crept into her cheeks at the thought that Leo might consider her impertinent for her earlier departure.

A headache threatened to descend upon her, but she shook her head resolutely and took a sip of water.

"Are you quite all right?" inquired Mari, seated to her right, her curiosity piqued by Josoline's demeanor.

"Of course," Josoline replied, her smile strained.

Though Mari remained unconvinced, she refrained from pressing the matter further.

As dessert arrived, the conversation around the table continued, but Josoline found herself unable to fully engage. Her mind was too preoccupied to participate.

Perhaps just a fleeting glance, she thought, turning her head towards Ethan. Their eyes met, and a smile played upon his lips. Josoline blushed but held his gaze, unable to tear her eyes away.

"You look quite enchanting," he remarked softly.

Josoline blushed further but returned his smile with a nod. Their silent communion persisted until Becka nudged her, breaking the spell. She then noticed Prince Theodore gazing at her with a boyish grin, mistakenly believing he had captured her attention. Lady Drusilla's glower did not escape her notice, but Josoline met her gaze with a raised brow and a roll of her eyes, daring her to speak.

Becka nudged her once more. "Well?"

Josoline glanced to her left, where Ethan observed her intently. He reclined in his chair, his fingers idly tracing the stem of his glass.

The intensity of his gaze unsettled her, and she averted her eyes, focusing on her meal instead. This was all too much to bear.

As dinner drew to a close, the royal family departed, followed by the ladies, who chattered amongst themselves as they exited the room.

"Do you believe Duke Ethan was looking at you like that?" asked Becka as they made their way to their chambers.

"I cannot say for certain," Josoline replied evasively, though she could still feel the weight of his gaze upon her.

"Ah, but I saw it myself," Becka insisted.

"Very well," Josoline conceded with a smile, acknowledging her cousin's observation.

As they approached the stairs, Drusilla and her ladies stood waiting, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

Josoline and her companions halted in their tracks, facing Drusilla head-on.

"Tsk tsk tsk...I couldn't help but notice," Drusilla began, her eyes ablaze with anger.

Josoline's expression remained impassive. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about."

"I speak of what I saw," Drusilla hissed, her fury palpable.

Josoline stood her ground. "Save your words for someone who cares. Excuse me," she retorted, brushing past Drusilla.

Drusilla's face contorted with shock as Josoline continued up the stairs. At the third step, she turned back to face her adversary. "And should I happen to speak to the prince, I shall certainly put in a good word," she added with a sly smile.

Drusilla stormed off in a fit of rage.

Upon reaching their quarters, Josoline's companions voiced their indignation at Drusilla's behaviour.

"It's quite alright," Josoline reassured them from her room.

"Josi, there's a letter here for you," Becka announced.

Josoline emerged from her room. "From whom?"

Becka examined the seal. "No name, but it bears the royal insignia," she said, grinning.

Handing Josoline the letter, Becka offered a weak smile. The prospect of an invitation from the prince quickened Josoline's heart. She accepted the knife and broke the seal.

From within, she withdrew the missive.

My dearest Lady Josoline Prescott,

I would be honoured if you would accompany me for tea tomorrow afternoon.

Yours truly,
Duke Ethan

The smile faded from her lips, and she blinked in disbelief.

"Who's it from?" Becka inquired from her chair beside Mari.

Clearing her throat, Josoline replied, "It appears to be from Duke Ethan."

Ruth exclaimed with delight, but Josoline forced a smile. Though she had hoped for a letter from Leo, she was still surprised by Ethan's invitation. With a sigh, she returned to her room and sank into the chair before her mirror, contemplating her reflection.

She tossed and turned in bed, her heart racing uncontrollably. The constant whirlwind of thoughts in her mind only worsened her headache. She reminded herself once again that she wasn't here for love. The sooner she accepted that fact, the easier this whole ordeal would become. Marriage wasn't what she desired, but she knew she had to devise a plan. When all was said and done, she refused to be the one left feeling royally betrayed.

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